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Cranker for sale

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well It did go away. I traded it for another bike/project. Ill post some pics as soon as I get the other bike set up. Ill finish the year the way it is then it will get worked over this winter. I am going after 10mils with this thing :evil:

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is it going to be a duneable frame or all track ..


i got a decent 10 mill you can chase..


ya duneable , You have a good running 10 I am more or less talking about the guys that would sit on the side and not race the cranker and then when I got on my wifes 686 raptor they all wanted to race. :down: Thats more or less what im saying but I would race you with a tooth pic if it had wheels I just like to race win or lose :biggrin:

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ah sweet.. yea i hear ya on that cranker dont feel bad its takes a GOOD weekend for anyone to want to race my 10 mill also. thats why i had to build a slower bike in a stock frame with a +6 on it. had to leave the stock shocks and everything!! then i was racing all the time had a lot more fun then when the big ole bikes would finally get out there i could run in and get the bigger bike and give them something to rface but now with my 480 in the stock frame i am afraid it may be too fast for others to race too... oh well still looks like its not much which is what you need anymore....

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