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If its not one thing its another. Took both bikes to silver lake on memorial day and both are dumping coolant. I cant tell if its coming out of the overflow tube but it spilled onto pipes f**** up my new paint job......so that sucks. So how is it BOTH bikes have the same issue. Bike #1 was bored, new topend, carb rebuild kit (with the same jets it had in in) and thats it. Bike is stock. Bike #2 has run strong since I purchased, and we just took it down to the frame and restored it. Motor has not even been apart! So that being said any ideas as to why they BOTH are doing the same thing? The only thing I can think of is when we restored them both, I touched up the paint on the radiator and maybe its too thick? I washed it down, straightened out fins and put a couple coats of high temp paint on. I can see thru the fins better now than when I bought it. Im completely stumped!!! so HELP!!!!.........PLEASE!!


Coolant filled to the full line on overflow

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Ummm, you probably got them hot. The stock coolant overflow outlet hose dumps out above the right side pipe. Mine does it sometimes, no big deal, just got hot. The coolant should be filled to the low mark on the overflow when the bike is stone cold. Gotta leave room for the coolant to get pushed out of the radiator and then get sucked back in. If it wasn't hot, then you probably have a bad cap.

Edited by Snopczynski
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From what Ive read while searching posts its not good to ride if you spilling coolant. It means theres a larger problem at had and that if I keep riding like that could do some real damage. Its not just a drip or two. Its a drip, drip, drip, drip.......Bikes were filled between low and full, if that helps

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I used to leak coolant on my '02. I kept filling the resevoir up to full.

Finally someone told me to keep it at minimum. That fixed the problem IMMEDIATELY. I eventually removed the resevoir completely.

I removed the res on my '06 the day I bought it.


Neither bike has leaked coolant since. Neither bike has overheated. Neither bike has needed addition coolant in the radiator.

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I used to leak coolant on my '02. I kept filling the resevoir up to full.

Finally someone told me to keep it at minimum. That fixed the problem IMMEDIATELY. I eventually removed the reservoir completely.

I removed the res on my '06 the day I bought it.


Neither bike has leaked coolant since. Neither bike has overheated. Neither bike has needed addition coolant in the radiator.


I did the same thing and personally i think the reservoir is pointless.

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if your loosing coolant. your overheating. there has been some argument on the overflow actually recurculating the coolant and pulling it back in. i wont get into that now.


how ever like Bansh88 said i as well along with many many many more do not ride with the over flow. simple if your loosing coolant your getting hot. a little here and there is nothing to worry about, but if its constant like you say, you have a heat issue.


are you running a stock impeller? anti freeze or an actual coolant? how often or have you ever fluch your radiator. after time anti freeze will gum up in side your rad. and cause the flow the become blocked or slowed

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Well, both were drained and refilled with honda 50/50 coolant. This is really our first time out with them since the rebuild. Its not constant but it will drip after tearing it up for about a minute or two after we stop. Im just wondering if I could put a "T" in my overflow line and run it back to the res.? I dont know why it would be getting too hot though. And why both of them would be doing the same thing. Thats why Im thinking there was just too much in the res. Ill try taking it out again with only a little bit in the bottom.....just be low the low level and see if that does it. So pretty much paint on pipes is trashed...........can you powdercoat pipes?? How does it stand up with the heat??

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