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Anyone ever try to quit dipping/smoking?

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I'm only 18 but I've been dipping since 6th grade I was either 12 or 13 dont remember....I figure I better quit while I'm ahead, or my lip rots off! I go thorough a can in about a day and half. I've tried quitting before, but damn I enjoy it too much. I guess I just need som support, or methods that have worked for you guys. I refuse to wear patches or chew that stupid gum though. If I'm going to do it then its going to be cold turkey and maybe eat a shit load of sunflower seeds or something...



I hear 'ya. I started smoking in high school because the (sweet!!) girl I was "dating" was a smoker and it seemed like the thing to do...

15 years later of a pack + per day smoking Marlboro Reds, I decided to quit and I found it to actually be truly easy.

Here is how I did it:


First, you have to actually, really, truly WANT to quit!! Not because someone or something is pressuring you to stop...YOU have to want to!! This is key. Without being here, you are destined to fail.


Next, recognize why you chew/smoke. I determined that for me, it was a reward for lifes little challenges and reward for accomplishments. Hey, I woke up!! Reward...a smoke! Made breakfast...Reward!! Made it to work..Reward!! Almost lunch...Reward!! Man, done with work...Reward!! Dropped the circlip down into the motor while reinstalling the timing chain...SHIT...Reward Dammit!! Anyhow, you get my point.


So I decided to quit when I would be out of my routine...I quit when I went on vacation!! It was soooo easy!! Different environment, new experiences, no routine to follow made it a simple transition for me. New experiences didn't allow my mind to become idle and dwell/crave.


When I did have a momentary craving...I just reminded myself that to quit was MY choice and that "IF I HAVE JUST ONE MORE, I'LL HAVE HAVE JUST ONE MORE THE REST OF MY LIFE!!" Just knowing this and believing this made it easier for me.


If you are going to "try" to quit, you already accept failure on your part to quit. Don't even bother "trying." Spare yourself the drama. Why set youself up to kick youself in the balls (if applicable to you)? :cool:


But when you DECIDE to quit, it becomes a decision as clear as black and white. You DON'T walk into the store and order a pack or tin. You DON'T reach for your wallet. You DON'T bum from your friends.

It is clear as day...at least it was for me!!


I've got to admit...I enjoyed smoking, and sometimes still miss it. I have not had a puff, drag, or cigarette since I quit. Not one!! I know that if I have just one more.......... :evil:


Hope this helps.


BTW: I agree with you about the patches...I think it is a BS crutch. With a patch, you can never believe it was your strength that led to your quitting...even though it was. It's all inside you to do this!!


Just my $.02.


Jay Form SanD.

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I have dipped since I was 15, I am now 36. I have "tried" to, but thats exactly it " TRIED" I was only fooling myself.

But one would think that @ 5 bucks per can, That it would be easy, especially when I go through about a can and a half a day !!




The only suggestion I can give you is what Jayz said, " you" have to want to quit !!!!

GOOD LUCK with it :thumbsup:

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My freinds parents got laser acupuncture? Not sure how you spell that. But anyways its been about 3 years now and they havent smoked. It did cost around 300 bucks but, its what I call a good investment. 300 bucks now or 1500 bucks per year. You could always go on a trip far away. My dad also used an inhaler type aid for the plane when we went to hawaii. He didnt plan on quitting but he said it worked great for the cravings. The best way I think is just cut down how much u smoke each day till your at about half of what you use to smoke, then go for it. Im going to be getting the laser acupunture done pretty soon. Just dont be a crazy and go to the hypnotist to quit smoking.

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