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Best cleaning product?


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Industrial corrosive solvent and 3000psi pressure washer. Gets EVERYTHING off the banshee, including the banshee. lol


I will use the car wash from time to time, just be careful what you aim that thing at. Other than that I just use the hose at the house and some 409 or simplegreen.

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I like to take either gas or desiel to the swingarm


I like to take either gas or desiel to the swingarm to get all the Non-fly off chain lube off and make it shine..


I find warm water and sunlight dishsoap on the fenders and just about everywhere else seems to work fine.


Then its armorall time.


I recently bought into a gimic product thats suppose to repell dust.. I think its called Ipone Rejewvinator or something on those lines(comes in a HUGE areosol can.. well one ride and it seems just like armorall and attracts all kinds of dust.. also seems like you have to apply alot of it to get a good shine to start with.. Dont be victim of this junk.



Pressure washers seem to make the bike look clean at the time but onece it dries mine always needs alot more attention.. I suppose if you own one its deferent, cause you could spend more time but when your payin almost a dollar a minute at the wash it kind of sucks.



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This may suprise many of you. But wash your quad with dawn dish soap and hot water. Then spray the motor down with tire shine. It will look sexy as can be.


(They tought me in the fire academy that when they decon a hazmat team they accually use dawn dish soap to wash the suits and equipment. Nothing will work better, and definitly cant beat the price.)

Edited by jlsparky7
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