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Stay At Home Mom

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I was lucky enough growing up to have a mom who was able to stay home and take care of me and my two brothers. I think that was one of the coolest things every. At the time I did not care but looking back it is pretty cool that she was willing to do that. How were my parents able to afford that? On one income? I have no idea.


A couple months back I had a post up for about a day in regard to my business. As is typical, after I put the post up I ran into some technical problems and deleted the post. Since then I have retructured the site a bit and taken care of the bugs.


My income at my normal job is not going to allow my wife to stay home with our daughter and I really want her to be able to do that. She wants to so don't think I am one of those guys who thinks women should be in the home, Stacie was a professional for 10 years with Edward Jones investments, she tells me she is tired of being out there.


So I had been looking for something to supplement my income enough to allow her to stay home with the girl or at least offset the daycare expense if we can't make it. I sold a bunch of stuff (not the bikes) and got the cars paid off. During my searche I came across what I am currently involved in. I spoke with people in the investment world, banking and business. ( A perk of being married to someone who lived in that world for several years). After several months of talk and thought I coughed up some money and got things rolling. www.voightgroup.com was born.


The business has several aspects. One of those aspects is an online affiliate marketing program. That is what I want to talk to you guys about. From my business site you can purchase a bunch of products that one of my contracted companies offer. Everything from energy drinks to diet supplements to Levis, Doc Martins, even makeup etc. That is cool and all but what I am more interested in for you guys is actual affiliate marketing part.


I have entered into agreements with companies such as Circuit City, Shop.com, Barnes & Noble, Bass Pro Shops (which is really cool) etc. If you log onto my site and go to any of those partner stores and make a purchase, I get rewarded a percentage of points. You pay no extra at all, it is exactly the same as if you had just logged into circuit city and purchased an IPOD (occassionaly you will get a better deal) and I make no cash off of you. If you go and don't buy anything I get nothing. What it does for me though is if enough people shop those points will eventually turn into cash rewards. I won't go into the how (if you really want to know pm me).


I AM NOT LOOKING FOR BUSINESS PARTNERS. I AM NOT LOOKING FOR ANYONE TO COME TO ANY MEETINGS. I AM NOT LOOKING FOR ANY MONEY, DONATIONS OR SIGN UP FEES. What I am looking for is 10-20 people who would be willing to log onto my site and shop from there. This is my business.


I have set it up so that anyone from BHQ can log in by typing BHQ in caps in the access code box. You will only be able to navigate to a few pages and you wont be able to get out to the partner stores without creating a log in. The required log in is no different than if you were creating an account at Circuit City.


I promise YOU WILL NOT GET SPAMMED! You will get one and only one confirmation email. I would not post this if you were all going to get hit with spam, I love the HQ and you guys would run me out of here in a heart beat if I set you all up. I don't care what you put in for email and address or phone, make it up whatever (unless you purchase something, you might want to have your actual shipping address and not send it to some town who knows where)


So, if you all would be willing to check it out and toss the site into your favorites and when you are thinking about buying stuff online from stores, take a couple mins and see if you can get what you need through my site I would greatly appreciate it.


Also, if you create an account and decide you dont want it anymore let me know here or pm me and I can delete it for you. And one last thing, I can also give you a custom login name, my site will initially assign you a big ol' number. I can change that to your HQ screen name if you wanted, you just got to let me know. And finally, any of the inhouse food products, I can help with shipping. I have some room to move on price etc, but only for people who actually have an account.


Thanks guys, I appreciate it even if you take the time to look and nothing else. Your guys help really could make the difference as to Stacie being able to stay home or not.


RJV :beer:

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Now thats a sales pitch........... :yelrotflmao:


Is the wifey now able to stay home?


Your parents were able to do it because gas was $1.29 a gallon, milk $2.26 for two gallons, cars only cost $15,000, average houses were only $100,000-$150,000. Its called inflation and it sucks. Fuel is now $3.24, milk $3.78, my trucks cost $42,000 each (Dodge Diesels), and my house is $360,000.


Good luck with your quest man, thats a cool thing to do for your wife. I wish I could do that for mine, but too many toys right now............. :beer:

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Now thats a sales pitch........... :yelrotflmao:


Is the wifey now able to stay home?


Your parents were able to do it because gas was $1.29 a gallon, milk $2.26 for two gallons, cars only cost $15,000, average houses were only $100,000-$150,000. Its called inflation and it sucks. Fuel is now $3.24, milk $3.78, my trucks cost $42,000 each (Dodge Diesels), and my house is $360,000.


Good luck with your quest man, thats a cool thing to do for your wife. I wish I could do that for mine, but too many toys right now............. :beer:


How big is your house? around here that is the cost of a rather large home.

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Now thats a sales pitch........... :yelrotflmao:


Is the wifey now able to stay home?


Your parents were able to do it because gas was $1.29 a gallon, milk $2.26 for two gallons, cars only cost $15,000, average houses were only $100,000-$150,000. Its called inflation and it sucks. Fuel is now $3.24, milk $3.78, my trucks cost $42,000 each (Dodge Diesels), and my house is $360,000.


Good luck with your quest man, thats a cool thing to do for your wife. I wish I could do that for mine, but too many toys right now............. :beer:



lol, I know. I just respect everyone here and didn't want people to think I was trying to scam em. By the time I got done typing it was a huge post so I tried cutting some of it, but I also wanted to cover everything, including why im doing and most of all that I was not trying to get anyone to join me in my quest.


She is home now, but our savings account is getting hammered. Each month it gets eaten at a little bit more. We are doing ok, but as for any extras right now, those things are on the back burner for sure.


She can always go back to work but I would like it to let it be her choice, not cause she has too.





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i would love to help you out man but im not a huge internet buying/selling guy. i supose that being in the business your in involves a shit load of trust and all... i just dont think i could cope with that amount of trust when i dont know someone... not to disrespect you, im sure your a mighty cool guy!!!


plus, im near enough on the other side of the world to you.


i hope everything works out for you in every way possable for you and your wife.



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lol, I know. I just respect everyone here and didn't want people to think I was trying to scam em. By the time I got done typing it was a huge post so I tried cutting some of it, but I also wanted to cover everything, including why im doing and most of all that I was not trying to get anyone to join me in my quest.


She is home now, but our savings account is getting hammered. Each month it gets eaten at a little bit more. We are doing ok, but as for any extras right now, those things are on the back burner for sure.


She can always go back to work but I would like it to let it be her choice, not cause she has too.





I did it for my kids for 10 years,my ex stayed home.You have to get rid of the big ass house and big ass truck and get real and not live to impress the Jone's. Thats the only way to do it and I still could afford a new car and a new boat on 50 a year.Downsizing is the key. I qualified for a 120,000 home in 90 and bought a 51,000 fixer upper,its now worth 130,000. Taxes 550 a year here where I live in unincorporated Valparaiso,In. You have to be real choosey, I guess maybe I got lucky. I don't know.The minute she decided to cheat on me she now has to work her ass off for shitty pay. She found out the grass is not greener!! But me I am living large and my children lack for nothing at my house.A friend of mine and his wife both work for the house payment and thier kids are raised by other people.Don't let that happen to you. My kids have never seen a baby sitter they are now 9 and 16. Very well adjusted not the pierced freaks working at Mcdonalds or Hot Topic with fucking 1 inch corks in thier ears.Like some Jungle Bunny wanna be's.If you let someone else raise them thats what will happen.Nobody can care for your children like you will. My 2 cents.

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rj, i know how you feel. my wife and i went from both of us working and each making decent money to having 2 kids and her staying home with them. cutting the income in half + adding 2 kids and a family vehicle payment sure does require some budget changes. even minus the extra expenses from her running to work, babysitter, babysitter costs etc., it's tough. one key thing we did though from the beginning was try to keep our bills at a level in which if only one of us was working, we could get by. and it's a good thing we did. yeah, it's tight with one income, but we've made it work. we did build up a savings when we were both working and have tapped it a few times, but nothing major. we've both given up some things ( like extra $$ for the shee, dammit) but the kids having mommy all the time is priceless for them, and for mommy. they are all much happier, which means dad is a lot happier too. the bills are paid, we never run out of anything, and the family is happy, but there's not much extra to go around. if it's too tight, you just have to decide what things are most important to have and what you can do without and live according to your income. oh yeah, and i avoid using credit cards as much as possible.

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inot to disrespect you, im sure your a mighty cool guy!!!







No problem, no disrespect felt. For the record though, I don't handle the products from say, circuit city, you end up dealing directly with them. All I do is route you to the site.




I hear you guys, we have definately cut back, way back. I just feel like there has to be a way to still be able to have her stay home and not have to stress about going to the local mexican place once or twice a month. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with not going to the mexican place and if it comes down to going to dinner or having the wife be able to stay home it is a no brainer for sure go to mexican.....just kidding.


In a perfect world Iwill make enough money to allow her to stay home and still be able to play, add to a savings, put money into retirement and be able to take a vacation once a year, not just watch other people do it on the E channel.


Take care and good luck to any of you others out there who are doin the single income family gig. It is totally worth it.



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I feel for you. I'm in the same boat. When we had our kid I quit my job to stay at home and go back to school. Had to sell all the toys, but after college when I go back to work and the kid is in school I can get it all back.


It is hard going from a 2 income house hold to 1 income. We just downsized the toys. Quit blowing money going out and shopping.


You can make it work, it's hard but do-able.


The kid is worth ever bit of it though!!

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My wife is a stay-at-home mom.I work in a factory.I make decent money.Money gets pretty tight sometimes.We by no means have the best vehicles.You just have to decide how important her staying at home is.We're going to have one more kid and once they both get in school and then she's going back to work.


Extra money?What's that?

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my wife stays at home.. i dont make big money but make enough for my kids to be raised by family not some teenage cunt that dont know shit... we might be broke at times but well worth it... plan is when kids all get in school she might get a day time job.. maybe by then i can have nice shit...

Edited by bansheefreak
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My wife stays home with my 2 year old son, and we have a little girl due in Sept. I guess I'm fortunate to have a killer job with awesome benefits. She's rolling the 06 Yukon and I'm stuck driving a Kia but hey, it's an 04. I steal her ride and hookup the trailer whenever I want, plus I drive an hour to work each way so I'd be crazy to drive something else with gas being so expensive. I've got my quads and that's all I spend my extra change on, she gets the rest for the house and whatever else to keep her off my back. I like her being at home since I work a rotating schedule of 2 weeks days and 2 weeks nights. Good luck with your business venture, I know it gets tough sometimes with 1 income. When the kids start school she'll go to work and make me some money since she's got a business degree. I think it's great with her home right though, I don't want someone else raising them if I can help it.

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I agree with the stay at home mom thing, but unfortunately I live in California and everythings expensive here. I mean I had to buy a house in another county because I couldn't afford a house in the county where my wife and I work. My wife and I want to enjoy life while we are still young enough to do so. No offense to anyone, but my grandmother died a year ago and she always wanted to go to Hawaii. Well long story short, she never made it and that sticks in my mind for some reason. So, I want to do the things that I may never get a chance to do.


I look at it this way, ya never know when something life altering will happen and you may not get the chance to do it, so if you get the chance don't pass it up........... :beer:

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not the pierced freaks working at Mcdonalds or Hot Topic with fucking 1 inch corks in thier ears.Like some Jungle Bunny wanna be's.If you let someone else raise them thats what will happen.Nobody can care for your children like you will. My 2 cents.



i like that quote ... lol sad part is alot of todays youth are pretty much worthless pieces of crap

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Kids these days have no respect for anything, because they have no consequenses for their actions (Oh but they are just kids). You can blame that one on the government (ie. courts, lawmakers and the even the "kids have rights too" groups).


You can't discipline your kids the way I was disciplined as a kid, or its child abuse, but oh ya, if your kid does something stupid it is your fault because they have no discipline, but yet you can't discipline them. When I was a kid I was afraid of pissin' my dad off, because I knew that when I pissed him off I wasn't going to sit down for a week. I knew there were consequenses for doin' shit that got me into trouble. These kids tell you, that if you touch them they will go to school and tell their teachers and Child Protective Services will be on your doorstep before you even get home. American kids are getting weak and lazy, who's fault is that ours of course for allowing it to get this bad in the first place.


Remember next time you look into the faces of todays youth you are looking at our future............ Depressing isn't it :banghead:

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