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big trophies or cash

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I would add cash prizes if you want to attract more people. It has worked for us in the past for car show events. Also nice trophies are a plus as well. Just really depends on your entree fee's and how you can disperse your money. People will remember this and you will have more entree's the next time you do it.

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I like both but I would have to say trophie because getting cash is badass but I like having something to look at. Get what Im saying?


CASH! I'd rather look at a full tank of fuel in my truck than another "dust collector" on the shop wall.

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i dont race quads but i do race cars and i personally enjoy a trophy more than cash. (although a nice gift certificate along with a trophy is nice too) a trophy can be put next to the big screen tele in the living room and makes a great conversation piece, espically if you have an 8x12 picture taken of you and youre machine on the day you won the race and put the picture next to the trophy.


if you are not financially stable enough that you NEED money after a win to make it to the next race or for gas money to get home then you are probably living beyond youre means and should abandon racing and forus on getting youre finances in order.



personally i would rather be financially stable and NOT race than awalys race and live broke.

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I can make it just fine to the next race without the bread.Sure a cash win will help with a few expenses but if you're trying to race a circuit underfinanced,theres trouble ahead.

It's the recognition and respect from the other riders that I like most.If one of the top dogs say"nice run Bri!"then I know why i run.No bullshit.

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CASH! I'd rather look at a full tank of fuel in my truck than another "dust collector" on the shop wall.


yea thats no shit. i have about 50 of those dust collectors sittin around...


31 dickhead.

Trophys speak louder and show accomplishment.


yea i see what youre saying, but just wait till you have a bunch of them. i should take a picture of mine and show u what i mean..maybe i will later. i have like 50 of them ranging from 1 foot tall to 4 foot tall...


I've got plenty of em to look at....I'll just take the cash please.


word up.

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