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clutch adjustment


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hey guys....

well i just fired up the banshee for the first time after tear down and new pipes (SWEET SOUND) :headbang:


anyways i noticed that the sprocket was turning when it runs and when i rev it (in neutrel) the sprocket turns faster.....i pretty sure it shouldnt do that....Any ideas?


by the way...its on a stand with no chain or clutch cable




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This is not that uncommon. It seems there is enough friction when the clutch is disengaged, or in this case in neutral to get some movement. When my bike is relatively cold (gear oil is thicker) I can have it in neutral rev it a little and as the RPM's are dropping you can feel a very small surge, if you want to call it that, forward. I don't feel that this is anything to worry about, especially if you had your bike inside, on stands it probably was not up to operating temp (in the tranny) so you would see the higher resistance (ie. movement) due to your tranny oil being thicker.

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