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Any NTI Or UTI Guys Here?


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So the date is set, i leave on august 28th and graduate november 16th, 2007 from NTI (NASCAR Technical Institute) in North Carolina(any good wheelin spots over there??) I currently live in WA state, so it will be a LONG drive over...but what i'm getting at is tips, tricks, or pure BS, who's got some for me?? it's a 15 month program, signed up last night, etc...Has anyone heard any good/bad things about NTI or UTI in general?? i'll be going solely for the NTI NASCAR program, and the optional 3 week pit crew coarse, hell yeah!!! Lets hear the words of wisdom from those of you who've been there, done that...So far the plan is to buy a smallish trailer once we get there about a month in advance to check things out, and stick it in a trailer park or some lot near the school in Mooresville, NC to save on living expenses, but we'll see how it goes...there is also the slight possibility of taking my banshee with me, my parents think that it would distract me from "important" stuff like school..but what do they know right? lol, Thanks in advance for all those who can offer their wisdom, i'm 17 years old and (think i am) ready for this kinda life, moving away from everybody i know for 15 months, and after i graduate who knows what will happen, hell i could join a nascar team and be there for 20 years, just gotta wait and see!!



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I went to uti five years ago for hvac(heating and ac) only 10 months in illinois. It was a good school i thought. When i was there they griped alot about being on time and no sick days. I think it was 9 hours or 3 or 4 tardies and you would rephase that class over in a 3 week period. Just have good work ethic and you will be fine.

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i had a friend go to uti and another friend that went to wyotech. I would imagine these two are good schools, however the one that graduated from wyoming tech has a career that well exceeds the other. One of the things you might want to look into is how good their job placement is after you graduate.


just my two cents

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Thanks for the replies, this nascar class also teaches me about all your new car technocology also, and is in no way limited to nascar racing circuit...as for job placement, they have a big name dealership they work closely with, as well as a few other companies on the east coast area...if everything fails miserably and i never get a job, i can always come back home, and take over the family business..that works also, just not what i had in mind or what really interests me. Is there anyone on these forums from North Carolina or a surrounding state?? what's the weather like?? i'm used to 8 months of rain here in the pacific NW so it can't be that bad, i look forward to going to this school and see how "great" i can become. I am dedicated to whatever i do, and don't intend on skipping class(the rep REALLY focused on not missing any days)...My only problem would be my driving record, i have 3 tickets but am going to court for them at the beginning of december, we'll see how that turns out...they are small tickets anyway, 101.00 each, two for having passengers under 20 while on intermediate license, and one for failure to stay right of center, i will have one deferred, for the other two, they were both written on the same little green paper at the scene, some friends have told me that only counts as one ticket, and i most likely won't get my license taken away for 6 months, hopefully! manufacturers and companies alike really don't like a bad driver, they have to pay their insurance, and trust them with customer cars, so lets hope it works out and i get lucky again, and from now on i vow to NOT get any more tickets, especially not a reckless..Thanks for the replies and may this thread live a long life!




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