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BANSHEE STOLEN! and I caught em.....

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Hell yeah, bro!!!!!!!!!!


I love the part about jumping ont the back of the quad and punching a thief!


Too bad all this will be dropped as soon as they hit 18. :angry:


Sue the hell outa their parents. They need to pay for their bad kids.

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Hell yeah, bro!!!!!!!!!!


I love the part about jumping ont the back of the quad and punching a thief!


Too bad all this will be dropped as soon as they hit 18. :angry:


Sue the hell outa their parents. They need to pay for their bad kids.


Theres an idea!

Get their dead beat parents involved. Let them know they should have raised their kids a little better. Maybe even get a settlement big enough that they will be paying you as long as their kids will be in jail.


Parents that raise little bastards should be forced to pay for being fuckup parents. I know they don't write an owners manual for being a parent, but everyone should know the difference between right and wrong.

Maybe their parents will be pissed off enough that they'll want to kick the little sumbitches asses too!



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As much as I'd like to say that the parents should pay, the friggin' kids are the ones that knew exactly what they were doing. It's easy to say that parents should raise their kids better but the problem is the various states won't even let parent punish their kids any more. I was talking to my lawyer who also does family law. {I told this story once but it seems to bear repeating}

A divorced mother was planning a mellow party for her and her new husband and their friends. Her daughter was supposed to be with the good for nothing dad. The dad decided his plans were more important and dropped the kid off at the party. The kid was told that because this was a "big people" party, she should stay in her room but they ordered pizzas and got videos. No dice. Daughter harassed the guests, threw tantrums etc. The new dad warned her again and again but she said "you touch me and I'm callin gthe cops" and she went back to pestering the guests. Once new dad had enough, her put her over his knee in front of everyone and gave her a couple swats to make the point that he meant what he was saying. She screamed bloody murder and called the cops. He was arrested for child abuse, lost his job, got a jail record etc.

Now who should be punished? The mom because she married her former husband who was a jerk? The mom because it's her fault too? The new dad for beating the brat? The brat herself?

Out of all these people, the kid is the most at fault. She knew what she was doing and didn't want to listen.

The same with these punks. They should get the middle east treatment. First occurrance, severe public beating. Second occurrance, one less hand to carry stuff with. Third occurrance, dirt nap.

The other option is the kid becomes your personal slave and gets credit for minimum wage toward paying you back for double the loss. We already know there is nothing the kid is not willing to do. So there's nothing you can assign them that is too harsh. Think of how much this would boost the economy instead of dragging it down? You could have your personal thief slave start by carving himself a wooden hand and then digging his own grave. These might help him see that his life of crime is a really bad idea.

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As much as I'd like to say that the parents should pay, the friggin' kids are the ones that knew exactly what they were doing. It's easy to say that parents should raise their kids better but the problem is the various states won't even let parent punish their kids any more. I was talking to my lawyer who also does family law. {I told this story once but it seems to bear repeating}

A divorced mother was planning a mellow party for her and her new husband and their friends. Her daughter was supposed to be with the good for nothing dad. The dad decided his plans were more important and dropped the kid off at the party. The kid was told that because this was a "big people" party, she should stay in her room but they ordered pizzas and got videos. No dice. Daughter harassed the guests, threw tantrums etc. The new dad warned her again and again but she said "you touch me and I'm callin gthe cops" and she went back to pestering the guests. Once new dad had enough, her put her over his knee in front of everyone and gave her a couple swats to make the point that he meant what he was saying. She screamed bloody murder and called the cops. He was arrested for child abuse, lost his job, got a jail record etc.

Now who should be punished? The mom because she married her former husband who was a jerk? The mom because it's her fault too? The new dad for beating the brat? The brat herself?

Out of all these people, the kid is the most at fault. She knew what she was doing and didn't want to listen.

The same with these punks. They should get the middle east treatment. First occurrance, severe public beating. Second occurrance, one less hand to carry stuff with. Third occurrance, dirt nap.

The other option is the kid becomes your personal slave and gets credit for minimum wage toward paying you back for double the loss. We already know there is nothing the kid is not willing to do. So there's nothing you can assign them that is too harsh. Think of how much this would boost the economy instead of dragging it down? You could have your personal thief slave start by carving himself a wooden hand and then digging his own grave. These might help him see that his life of crime is a really bad idea.



Its those types of things that have made it impossible for a parent to do his/her job without fear of the police coming to arrest them for abuse, when its the parent just trying to do the most important job they'll ever do....raise a decent human being.


I think if a kid is under18, he/she should be able to get their respective asses beat to within an inch of their lives if its merited. I know its hard to determine what justifies an ass whoopin and what really is abuse though.


I know some kids that only understood getting a foot in their ass, and they turned out just fine, others learned how to take a beating and how to dish one out and became no less than ignorant thugs at school. One kid decided to burn down his neighbors hay barn when he was 12, for no particular reason.


Me personally....I got my ass beat a few times, and I didn't listen. My parents figured out that I could be rationalized with. Rather than spank me, they told me "hey...that wasn't the right thing to do. 'This' is the right thing to do." They also told me about concequences, and fortunately for my ass cheeks, I understood.



I guess I'm glad I'm not a parent. Sounds too complicated to be honest.


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You guys bring up the valid point that I have always believed in myself. The parents should not have to pay for their dead beat kids. But in this case, the parents were the negative role models running some level of drug dealing and processing house. I was just notified of this. Now I am not the type to say "hey, I can get money out of this, why not use the system", but in this case, why the hell should I have to live with these nasty ass scars on my back that I took medication that ruined my life for 2 yrs to prevent. I used Acutane to combat acne and scarring when I was 15-17 and it has ruined my joints (dry, stiff), I used it to prevent my face and back from scarring and look what I have now.....3 big ass road rash scars that look like iron burns. Cant be out at the beach now with my shirt off and get that look for a nice back (you know what I mean), instead I'll get "man, thats fucked up, ewww" These little bastards caused that.


Now as for the physical disciplining of children......GET THE BELT! I was whooped within inches of my life many a time, the fear of my ass burning was enough to keep me out of a lot.....well some......trouble. Parents have an almost unexplainable amount of impact on behavior development. Example; I went to work right after the event of the theft, I was messed up bad but I played it off like I was fine, I wanted to work (well, I wanted $). My boss looked at me "what would your mother say if she saw you coming to work like this!" me- "I'll tell you exactly waht she said 'Here is the triple antibiotic, you're an hour late, get your ass moving' " Now a sissied kid would have whined and the parent taken them to the hospital and dragged it out for days. Made a huge event of the road rash and how skin grafting is an absolute necessity.....you guys get the idea. And those values stay with you the rest of your life and pass to your kids. I was riding dirt bikes at 3 yrs old (still have that JR50), a friend of mine has a 5 yr old that doesnt even have a bicycle yet "he isn't ready yet, maybe I'll get him a 2 wheeler for his 6th birthday"........great, turn the kid into a pussy.

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I learned alot from being a juvenile delinquent.


theft of any item or Items over $1000 is grand larceny.could possibly get em for GTA.

Make sure the DA presses as many charges as possible and try for restitution.

Glad you got you Shee back.



hehehe .... same here


someone got away with my old 240 blaster , and well if i catch the person stealing my drag shee i will be on trial for 187 ! :shootself:

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A parent is legally responsible for their children until the kid is 18.


Had these parents taken care of busness when these kids were manageable, (like from the day they brought them home from being whelped) this would have never happened. Parents have a responsibility that comes along with creating a life. They are socially charged with bringing that child up with a minimum ammount of respect for the law and other people. If they fail to properly teach their children some basic morals, thay should be fully responsible for whatever hell their kids put another human through. The state will be on your side. You are a taxpayer. They are brokedicks.


Sue the everliving shit out of them. Get them out of your neighborhood before they have a chance to retaliate against your family or put someone else through the hell you are dealing with.

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A parent is legally responsible for their children until the kid is 18.


Had these parents taken care of busness when these kids were manageable, (like from the day they brought them home from being whelped) this would have never happened. Parents have a responsibility that comes along with creating a life. They are socially charged with bringing that child up with a minimum ammount of respect for the law and other people. If they fail to properly teach their children some basic morals, thay should be fully responsible for whatever hell their kids put another human through. The state will be on your side. You are a taxpayer. They are brokedicks.


Sue the everliving shit out of them. Get them out of your neighborhood before they have a chance to retaliate against your family or put someone else through the hell you are dealing with.


As much as I'd like to say that all of that is true, unfortunately it's not.

In Illinois, a parent is only legally liable til 17. I found this out when a friend of my wifes 17 year old step son broke into someones house in the middle of the night and got part of his head blown off by the unhappy homeowner. The kid is going to be a veg the rest of his life. The parents {both really nice people. The wife has every kind of cancer known to science and the dad works 3 jobs just to pay for her meds and doc bills} were not the problem with the kid growing up. The kid was a rebellious bastard from day one and now he doesn't even know if it's day or night and may never even know how to write his own name.

As it turns out, according to my lawyer, a legal guardian has MORE responsibility for the child they are guardian for than a natural parent. He said "anyone can have a kid and not know how to raise it but a guardian goes before a judge and petitions the court to care for the child until 18". Because of that petition, the person who tries to help out one of these throw away kids, is more on the hook than the parent who actually brought the kid into the world. In short, the parents are not legally required to teach their kids anything or hold them to any sort of standard whether that's moral/religious, or secular/political. And if you look at the big picture most people don't want anyone to tell them how to raise their kids. So they take the easy way out and let the schools, TV or now the internet do it.

I remember a few years ago that I was stopped at a traffic light and as I looked into the car next to me a kid in the back seat {maybe 6 or 7} flipped me off. I couldn't believe it. So I moved up a little and told the parents of the brat right there. The parents started laughing so hard they almost couldn't steer the car. If I had done that when I was 7 and my dad found out, he'd still be whippin' me these 30+ years later. And I'd deserve it.

So I guess in the end, the only justice there is is street justice.

One cop asked me... do you have a gun?

Me- No.

Cop- Get one. And if anyone is bothering you, make sure he's completely in the house before you start shooting. Then call us. <_<

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As much as I'd like to say that all of that is true, unfortunately it's not.

In Illinois, a parent is only legally liable til 17. I found this out when a friend of my wifes 17 year old step son broke into someones house in the middle of the night and got part of his head blown off by the unhappy homeowner. The kid is going to be a veg the rest of his life. The parents {both really nice people. The wife has every kind of cancer known to science and the dad works 3 jobs just to pay for her meds and doc bills} were not the problem with the kid growing up. The kid was a rebellious bastard from day one and now he doesn't even know if it's day or night and may never even know how to write his own name.

As it turns out, according to my lawyer, a legal guardian has MORE responsibility for the child they are guardian for than a natural parent. He said "anyone can have a kid and not know how to raise it but a guardian goes before a judge and petitions the court to care for the child until 18". Because of that petition, the person who tries to help out one of these throw away kids, is more on the hook than the parent who actually brought the kid into the world. In short, the parents are not legally required to teach their kids anything or hold them to any sort of standard whether that's moral/religious, or secular/political. And if you look at the big picture most people don't want anyone to tell them how to raise their kids. So they take the easy way out and let the schools, TV or now the internet do it.

I remember a few years ago that I was stopped at a traffic light and as I looked into the car next to me a kid in the back seat {maybe 6 or 7} flipped me off. I couldn't believe it. So I moved up a little and told the parents of the brat right there. The parents started laughing so hard they almost couldn't steer the car. If I had done that when I was 7 and my dad found out, he'd still be whippin' me these 30+ years later. And I'd deserve it.

Now think about this. You have to have a fucking license to fish.

:huh: Same with driving a car or a motorcycle. You have to at least pass a test.

You have to get "permission" to get married. My dog has to be licensed. My truck has to be licensed.


But any asshole can have a kid. That aint right.


So I guess in the end, the only justice there is is street justice.

One cop asked me... do you have a gun?

Me- No.

Cop- Get one. And if anyone is bothering you, make sure he's completely in the house before you start shooting. Then call us.  <_<



Damn right.

Next time my neighbor from down the road comes to my house in a drunken stupor and tells my wife "Its too bad you're married" at 9 oclock at night I'm gonna YANK him in the house and beat his ass even more senseless than it already is. :angry:

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Now think about this. You have to have a fucking license to fish.

:huh: Same with driving a car or a motorcycle. You have to at least pass a test.

You have to get "permission" to get married. My dog has to be licensed. My truck has to be licensed.


But any asshole can have a kid. That aint right.

Damn right.

Next time my neighbor from down the road comes to my house in a drunken stupor and tells my wife "Its too bad you're married" at 9 oclock at night I'm gonna YANK him in the house and beat his ass even more senseless than it already is. :angry:



Sorry about that stan.... you knows how I get on that whiskey :wacko: ...




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Sorry about that stan.... you knows how I get on that whiskey :wacko: ...





Seriously. We got some strange fuckers in this neighborhood and I'm tired of being one of em. I gotta get the hell out of here and in a more "normal" area.


I have a neighbor that lives in what we call "the inside out house"


2 months ago, he took everything that was on the inside of the house and garage, and put it on the lawn.

Its been there through rain storms, the heat, etc, for about 2 months.

It looks like his fuckin house threw up on his lawn.


I'm curious to see if he has dirt on the inside now.

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Seriously. We got some strange fuckers in this neighborhood and I'm tired of being one of em. I gotta get the hell out of here and in a more "normal" area.


I have a neighbor that lives in what we call "the inside out house"


2 months ago, he took everything that was on the inside of the house and garage, and put it on the lawn.

Its been there through rain storms, the heat, etc, for about 2 months.

It looks like his fuckin house threw up on his lawn.


I'm curious to see if he has dirt on the inside now.



I would say I was suprised... but then look were you live :rolleyes: .



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Thought I'd put in a lil update on this stupid situation. The little bastards that tried to yank my quad have claimed they were only going to 'joy ride it then trash it'. Law in Michigan considers joy-riding a lesser offense than stealing for personal gain :yank: . Well, what is even better is that they actually claimed they had a 'legitimate reason behind stealing it'. They claim I ride my Banshee through the nearby neighborhood at all hours of the night and wake everyone up. They were going to trash it as to benefit everyone cuz they are sick of being awakened by it. Funny part is I work 3rd shift......I work all hours of the night and I can account for every night for the last 3 months where I have been, and for the ones that I was actually in town, the Shee was either wrecked, blown up or being stored at a different location. Of which I have dated pictures, witnesses and a written/signed statement of every day I have been at work and what times I was there. My neighbors are also testifying that I never ride it AT ALL past 9pm, 8pm during the week, because I respect their right to peace and quiet......that sucker is loud. The police told me all this information and actually said that if I can prove that fact wrong, it will totally shut them down on any sort of defense they have for a plea. I do believe they just fucked themselves :shootself: ......bent over and no lube. :dance::headbang::dance:

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Congratulaions, It's not often you here of someone getting thier quad back. That story is awesome. My buddy made one payment on his 4X4 when it was stolen and because he said he used it off his property the insurance co.(He just had homeowners on it). won't give him anything. I've been locking my stuff up really well after that.


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