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hey this should be in wanted but who cares

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All you guitar players should appreciate this tune... its not a Zep song, but its a great little acustic peice by a band named "Phish". The song is "The Inlaw Josie Wales" and here's the tab for it. http://emilstabs.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=27


Iv been playing\learning this song everynight for the past 2 months. Literally EVERY FUCKIN' NIGHT FOR 2 MONTHS. Iv got every note nailed :headbang: My posting on BHQ has been way down lately..... and thats because of this frickin' song.


I can email yas the MP3 for the song, I even have video\mpeg of the song where they played it live at Austin City Limits(great show).



"So I just got back from summer 2000 tour and I was so moved by the 7-15

closer with "Inlaw" that I needed to figure out how to play it on guitar. Be warned, this song is TOUGH. Reading the tab is not enough, you almost have to get into a Trey-mindset to get all the nuances down. It would be almost useless to try to learn this song from tabs without it playing in the stereo next to you, as there are complex rhythms that can not be explained with tablature."

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hook me up with an email adddy.


i started around age 15, learned all my chords around that age. Been picking up bits and peices of songs ever since. Im the master at playing song intro's..... after the intro and the song goes into chords I lose interest. I like fingerpickin' stuff. Im not the greatest with those wild guitar solos, just causal easy going, good sounding stuff. I can play just about anything.... I can play Ralph Machio's part when he duels with Steve Via in "Crossroads"... I can play Pink Floyds entire Wall album.... I can play a shitload of Metallica, prolly every Metallica song now that I think about it... a bunch of Led Zep stuff, I can play Stairway from start to finish... except the solo stuff.... Im 32 years old now so Iv been playin' for about 15-17 years or so. There was a period of time where I didnt play for years, around age 21 to 25. Iv been playin heavily the past 5 years tho thanks to the internet and the ability to find Tabs easier.... and MP3's. I have 4 guitars, only one nice one, a black Fender acustic. My main ax is... believe it or not a Yamaha electric. I should own a nice electric but all my cash goes towards ATV's and EDIT: candy. :rolleyes: anyways..... about 15 years. B)


good to see you around again Wicked. You were a big time BHQ addict at one time and then one day you just up and dissapeared.

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Hell yeah. :headbang: This post has already made my shitty ass morning, rock on! :cheers: It's always good to hear from other fellow zepheads! B) Too bad you all aren't any closer, we could get together & jam. Been playing for about 10 years myself...you guitar players should check out Winfield, KS in September for our huge-ass bluegrass festival. It's a great time, to say the least. Check out: http://www.wvfest.com

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that'd be cool to jam together but you guys have been playing alot longer than i have. i think im gettin pretty good for the little amount of time ive been doing it. 99% of what i play is zeppelin and skynyrd. little ac/dc, hendrix, other classic rock stuff, little of everything but mostly the big two. i can play all of over the hills and far away but the solo (which i will master over christmas break when i get some time after finals are done). i can play all of i aint the one by lynyrd skynyrd. some of the solo type fills buy not the main solo yet. someday i will get the whole freebird solo. i can play the whole lotta love solo and mostly all of black dog and rock and roll but the solos.


how bout u ledofthezep, whatcha play mostly? in a band or ever been in one? i wanna start playin w/ other people but cant find anyone who plays drums. know one kid on bass that only plays headbanger new stuff w/ clashes w/ what i play and like 14 people who play guitar but no drums.


oh ya check out comstock, its every summer in nebraska. gets pretty crazy all weekend long. the country and the rock one are both good. last year was skynyrd, BTO, alice cooper, and a bunch of others that i forget. i think shinedown was there too.



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Right on! :cheers: I actually play my own tunes. I'm a singer/songwriter. I'll play just about anywhere...play all over around here. With work & remodeling our house, I haven't been out playing much lately. :( I really don't play any Zeppelin myself, I listen to Zeppelin; don't even bother trying to learn their tunes. :shrugani: I do play Tangerine on occasion though. :) Playing your own music allows you to make mistakes that, in general, only you playing would notice. :cheers: I have played in bands before, actually went through college playing in the jazz band. Right now I got a buddy who is a vocalist that wants to start a band & wants me to play guitar, and some other friends who got a band going are wanting me to play bass. I'll probably get with them & get something going in time, but right now, I don't have the time to spare. :shootself: So until then & even when, I'll still be jamming the accoustic solo shizzle. B) If I can get in my friend's studio sometime I'm going to put some of my stuff on CD, mainly for promotional reasons & to get gigs.

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damn thanks for the link.


by the way i just started learning the solo to stairway last night and got out of class and am workin on it now and it really aint all that hard. its really starting to sound pretty good ya know but ive only been playin little over a year. i WILL have it mastered over christmas break.


heres an invaluable link.......


Guitar Dreams


under the lessons menu it teaches you how to do all kinds of stuff and has the tab for it and then gives you slow, medium, and fast music files of what it should sound like beside it.

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guitar players, check out my buddys latest Ebay auction. Its for a DOD multi effects pedal. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...me=STRK:MEBI:IT


Its nothing too fancy but its fun as hell to play through.  Bid it up, I don't want it.  Its fun tho.



bangheadbanghead I played through one of those in the Jazz band, lots of fun & cool shit you can do with them. Too bad I just saw this post or I'd a bid, guarantee I'd pay $51, someone got a good deal. :cheers:

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