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yeah delivery comfirmation at the post office can be priceless

but if the dousche bag is the one who signed the check and cashed it then he is totally fucked............


but of course i think he is about 16 or so?

so not like the law applies very well

maybe his mommy wont let him sellthe fenders that she got him for being a good boy



Shit like this just makes it tough on anyone looking for a deal on parts or looking to sell parts. There are plently that do good, if not GREAT deals on things. We just need to keep looking out for one another like we do and post the positive as well as the negative. I'm not too sure this one is going to get resolved, so I guess we know which pile to put it in.


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i say lee should give us his ip and isp info and let us track him down, call his mommy and daddy to rat him out. if he can run to lee and cry, we can cry to his parents. fair is fair.


he shoulda been banned a long time ago.



Is there a way to find out eBay identities with that info?

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Guest Yamaha Banshee Rider

ok, listen everybody, just hear me out, i do not have his money order and i did not cash it, why, because i never got it yet, and all of you are all worked up over this that you believe sparkzilla and you won't take anytime to listen to me, i try to be nice and everyone just be a fucking asshole to me, so i can't take it, i do not have his money order, truth be told i have not gotten it yet, and to complete this deal with sparkzilla, i am going to send the money order back to him if i ever get it, which i am not counting on that, cause he mailed it 2 weeks ago and yeah you all are saying that i have it, NEWS FLASH, i do not have the money order sparkzilla sent to me, and if i ever did or if i do get it, i will let him know i told him i would let him know when i got the money order, but i don't have it, and that is why i have not sent out the fenders, so if anyone was trying to get something out of this, it is sparkzilla, he kept telling me to send the fenders out, and i have been telling him that i do not have the money order, i did not get it, and to prove it, if anyone wants to know my proof, i will give you my phone number and you can talk to my dad, he would know, or even my brother, he gets the mail too, i have been getting the mail everyday since sparkzilla mailed out that money order and i have not yet seen a letter from rob zilla yet, oh and also, i appologize to everyone who hates me, well see ya

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I'm starting to feel bad for the kid... :yank: anyway I put a lot of trust in you guys when i send out cash and not paypal, and i cross my fingers it gets sent. I have had no problem with anyone on here so far everybody has been very honest and I thank all of you for this. I personally have never dealed with this kid. So i feel bad doing this, no hard feelings check out the items for saleMuch love to everyone of you guys

Edited by 04ShEeLE
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Guest Yamaha Banshee Rider
I'm starting to feel bad for the kid... :yank:  anyway I put a lot of trust in you guys when i send out cash and not paypal, and i cross my fingers it gets sent.  I have had no problem with anyone on here so far everybody has been very honest and I thank all of you for this.  I personally have never dealed with this kid.  So i feel bad doing this, no hard feelings check out the items for saleMuch love to everyone of you guys



thank you 04sheele, that makes me feel a little better, now if you could just get everyone else to just belive that i do not have sparkzillas money order, and that i did not f*ck him over on this deal for the fenders

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I don't know anything about either guy involved here, but I believe YBR just as much as I believe sparkzilla's story. Maybe the MO got lost in the mail, maybe some postal worker nabbed it and cashed it in, maybe it got delivered to some dude in another state, maybe.... just maybe Sparkzilla is the one doing the screwing here :shrugani: . The man said he didnt get the MO. gotta take his word.... Until you can prove that he recieved&cashed the MO, his story is just a good as Sparkzilla's story. Everyone ganging up on YBR with no solid proof that he did anything wrong.....


track down the MO. There has to be ways to do that.

Edited by Meat
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Guest Yamaha Banshee Rider
I don't know anything about either guy involved here, but I believe YBR just as much as I believe sparkzilla's story.  Maybe the MO got lost in the mail, maybe some postal worker nabbed it and cashed it in, maybe it got delivered to some dude in another state.  The man said he didnt get the MO. gotta take his word.... Until you can prove that he recieved&cashed the MO, his story is just a good as Sparkzilla story.  Everyone ganging up on YBR with no solid proof that he did anything wrong.....   


track down the MO.  There has to be ways to do that.



what he said

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I don't know anything about either guy involved here, but I believe YBR just as much as I believe sparkzilla's story.  Maybe the MO got lost in the mail, maybe some postal worker nabbed it and cashed it in, maybe it got delivered to some dude in another state, maybe.... just maybe Sparkzilla is the one doing the screwing here :shrugani: .  The man said he didnt get the MO. gotta take his word.... Until you can prove that he recieved&cashed the MO, his story is just a good as Sparkzilla's story.  Everyone ganging up on YBR with no solid proof that he did anything wrong.....   


track down the MO.  There has to be ways to do that.



After wasting my time reading this post I have to say since I haven't dealt with either of those involved that I agree with Meat. Find out if the money order has been cashed, by who and then where. If it was cashed in YBR's hometown I think you got him. You need some proof that he did intentionally screw you.

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Sparkzilla!! I know you from Everything2Stroke.com!! Its a small world.


Sorry to hear about getting screwed out of good money by some punk kid livin with mommy and daddy. Maybe when he grows some curleys, he'll grow a concious as well.


Well guys I talked to the post office today. The manager wasn't there but the other people said they can trace it for me. The manager is supose to call me tomorrow. She is gonna find out all the details for me. So now I just wait and see What happened to my money order. For those of you that know me and even for those of you who don't I am just looking ket every one know what this kid does so you don't waste your money. He got me once, but I thought I would try again to see if he would be honesty this time. Why do you think I wouldn't send him the whole $200 to start with. $50 is a lot but I can live with out it. $200 is way to much to just give away. Maybe I should have listened to me wife when she told me not to trust him. But anyway we will just have to wait till tomorow to see what happened to it.

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spark!!!! whats up you crazy bastard. i can't believe you dealt with this dickhead again. especailly after he screwed you on the wheels. ok i guess i should point out that i know spark. i have BSed with him many hours on E2S chat and actually i have done business with him. he's a great guy to deal with and i know that he didn't screw this guy. oh yeah just so everybody knows this kid is "fearmy350shee" over at e2s. (i think thats the right name) hell actually i think we banned him for fucking sparky on the wheels. anyway i sold spark some wheels and tires and he paid me in minutes over paypal. i wonder why this YBR guy doesn't have paypal. maybe because you can trace that. i say ban this jerk off. if not for screwing spark twice then for his attitude. i like comming on here and talking to the decent people. this guy is really just out to sell things. i know that i have not seen him in the forums much and over at e2s i think he has bout 5 posts 4 of which are in his ad selling parts

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