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Now WHY THE f*ck would you put that shit on here. That shit don't belong here man. What's wrong with you. We need a f'ing mod to get rid of this thread, or at least that f'ing picture.

Edited by sredish
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Hey Brooke-your giving old George to much credit-what about the millions of people in the Sudan dying of starvation-no oil-no help-since when did the vice pres. own and run rebuilding countrys-plywood is 20.00 a sheet now-why-its going to Iraq-was 10.00-what about Enron-Bush buddies-did your folks lose their life saving-billions of dollars for intelligence-we were warned-we had knowledge-it was ignored at the TOP because of lack of imagination-I like your style-attack the messenger-not the message-stop attacking this site-If it wasnt for Lee-your future site woundnt exit-I hate to say it but Lee made you-can you say Thank-you Lee built this site-the members make it what it is so stop player hating-What has bush done for THIS country lately-If he spent some money on social shit he would get alot more support-yeah Saddam had it comming-but what about all the others-what about taking care of Home-what about the fact that we dont make shit no more-when was the last time you bought something that didnt have China stamped on it-all these companys running overseas are headed by more money-more money republicans-Georges friends-at any cost to the taxpayer-Brooke you gotta look alittle deeper-the only thing Mr Moore did was to expose what already exited-this anti-american stuff blew up with George-and do you really understand the Patriot act-its not good if you believe in freedom for self-if the terrorist came from abroad-why do we have all these New laws on the backs of American taxpayers-they knew of strange people taking flying lessons-they question them-they were aware of unusal activity of a few-the signs were there--after all was said and done---all we as taxpayers get is ooooppps!!!!! How many more deaths of honest-loyal-respected-hard working Americans must die for George and the crew to save face-sounds like shoot first than find PROOF-oh yeah I forgot-Bin laden IS our problem

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Hey Brooke-your giving old George to much credit-what about the millions of people in the Sudan dying of starvation-no oil-no help-since when did the vice pres. own and run rebuilding countrys-plywood is 20.00 a sheet now-why-its going to Iraq-was 10.00-what about Enron-Bush buddies-did your folks lose their life saving-billions of dollars for intelligence-we were warned-we had knowledge-it was ignored at the TOP because of lack of imagination-I like your style-attack the messenger-not the message-stop attacking this site-If it wasnt for Lee-your future site woundnt exit-I hate to say it but Lee made you-can you say Thank-you Lee built this site-the members make it what it is so stop player hating-What has bush done for THIS country lately-If he spent some money on social shit he would get alot more support-yeah Saddam had it comming-but what about all the others-what about taking care of Home-what about the fact that we dont make shit no more-when was the last time you bought something that didnt have China stamped on it-all these companys running overseas are headed by more money-more money republicans-Georges friends-at any cost to the taxpayer-Brooke you gotta look alittle deeper-the only thing Mr Moore did was to expose what already exited-this anti-american stuff blew up with George-and do you really understand the Patriot act-its not good if you believe in freedom for self-if the terrorist came from abroad-why do we have all these New laws on the backs of American taxpayers-they knew of strange people taking flying lessons-they question them-they were aware of unusal activity of a few-the signs were there--after all was said and done---all we as taxpayers get is ooooppps!!!!! How many more deaths of honest-loyal-respected-hard working Americans must die for George and the crew to save face-sounds like shoot first than find PROOF-oh yeah I forgot-Bin laden IS our problem


Well said Bigwill !!! I wanted to say the same thing but didnt have the time to write it up. Just because Saddam was killing his people doesnt mean we have to fix thier problem. We can't be the worlds police force. 28% of my paycheck goes to taxes and a percentage of that goes to the big war machine thats fighting half way around the world. Im having a hard time paying all my bills from month to month and George W wants 800 more billion to rebuild a country I have no interest in helping, hell that retarded Bush wants billions of my tax money to man on Mars, but thats another topic. Its well known that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. Bin Laden is our problem. Radical muslims are our problem. I see Iraq as\was a problem, but low on our "problem list", now we have nearly all our military resourses tied up in Iraq and 1000+ American soldiers killed and we still dont have Bin Laden and we made the whole anti-american sentiment worse than what it was before 9/11.


These muslim people want the Unitied States out of Saudi Arabia becasue its thier holy land, I say we get the f*ck out of there and give them thier wishes, it IS thier land.


BTW I havent' seen Farenheit 9-11 yet, but I wanna.

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I took it off. You dont need a moderator for that just ask. I think that should

be a reminder of what the hell were doin over there. Were keeping it over there, to keep here safe.

I didnt mean to affend any one sorry if I did.

I d like to thank all the people that

our in our military and past vets for doing what they signed up to do.

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is that more BS or an empty promise?  lmfao


funny you think people will be happy when im gone, especially considering the reaction you got when you banned me.  lmfao

like i told you before lee. im not on this site for you, im here for the people. i love these people, even the ones i dont get along with and disagree with. i have a lot of respect for the members here and i think its more their site than yours. i can only hope that they will come be a part of my site, only THAT will make my site great. its all about the members man, and i think youve taken the members here for granted for way too long. its about time they get a site that has everything theyve ever asked for here and MORE. and soon, im gonna give it to them.

I don't remember the last time I've heard more shit come out of your mouth.

Unbelievable. If I would have taken my members for granted 'a long time ago', this site would have been gone a long time ago.


And this bullshit you've been pulling lately, taking stabs at me to gain your pretty little popularity. Feel free. when people want information about BANSHEES, the'll come here. When they want to get roped into your manipulation, they'll visit your site.


This site's always been for the members, and always will be. I mean, why else would I keep it running ?


Brooke, you never cease to amaze me with your head-game shame tactics you pull on people. Just so that you might look a little better than them.


Oh, and I find it funny that you:

-Drive a Volvo

-Are a dedicated Mac user

-Are a feminist

-And are Right-Wing.... this one doesn't fit. Shouldn't you have at least SOME liberal views to go along with the top 3?


You're so transparent Brooke. people see through you. "LMAO". Hope your site does as well as you hope for it. It's about time you do somthing constructive on your computer(s) anyway besides using them as your gateway to dating.

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I don't believe this is a war for oil. This is a war against TERRORISTS. Notice we are still in Afghanistan hunting Al Queda. Keep that in mind. Bush is catching all the flack from what has happened but it had built up for years. You couldn't plan 9-11 in just a few months. I think we definately need to destroy all terrorism. bangheadbanghead

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First off, I'd like to say that I believe George Bush is first and foremost, a puppet. Mostly all presidents are puppets, and the people below them and above them are pulling strings and moving this country whatever way it is going. I do believe we should have went to war, and that we are doing a good job over there. There probably were weapons of mass destruction over there, and their probably still are, but we had no proof as that as a reason to go to war with them. We had no backing from most of the world when we went to war, and only after we have been there for a good long time are people starting to support us. I believe we needed better reasons, and better support before we should have invaded.


As far as Bush as a president, he needs to go. And it has nothing to do about the war, except that he said it was over when Baghdad fell, and we didnt have saddam, and people are still dying to this day. My issues with him is that we have this war going on, and he's got the govt worrying about stupid shit like gay marriage and freedom of speech issues. Who cares if 2 gay people want to get married, and who is he or the govt to say that it is wrong? He's going to be signing a bill that basically says that if someone does something indecent, they will be fined a great amount of money for it. Sure it'll start out with radios, and television, but if a radio plays a song by a band that has a curse word, that band can get the same fine. If you call into a radio station and say a curse word.....you'll be fined.....up to 2 million a day. He's taking away our freedom of being able to change a channel and decide what we want to listen to and see.


He's got a guy running the FCC that is his VP's son (non elected official), and he's worrying about all these issues while people are dying over there for the main reasons that he's trying to get rid of. Military fights for freedom, pure and simple, something GW and the govt is trying to destroy. On a side note, they couldnt pass the freedom of speech bill on its own, so they tacked it onto the end of a govt spending bill to get it to pass.

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is that more BS or an empty promise? lmfao


funny you think people will be happy when im gone, especially considering the reaction you got when you banned me. lmfao

like i told you before lee. im not on this site for you, im here for the people. i love these people, even the ones i dont get along with and disagree with. i have a lot of respect for the members here and i think its more their site than yours. i can only hope that they will come be a part of my site, only THAT will make my site great. its all about the members man, and i think youve taken the members here for granted for way too long. its about time they get a site that has everything theyve ever asked for here and MORE. and soon, im gonna give it to them.

first off, we understand if some dumbass like dirtrider or other complete idiot gets banned from the site, they deserve it.


99% of the people here didnt give to much of a rat's ass that it was you personally that got banned from the site. We were all disturbed about the situation because it was a contributing member of the site that was banned, and mainly for personal reasons. That and only that was the reason such a big stink was created.


I dont feel Lee has taken the members for granted, and has given us everything we've needed in a site. It is freely moderated, and we pretty much take care of our own. He's not around as often as some may like, but its not like this place is his job. When he gets around to coming here, he takes care of the business that needs to be taken care of. And if their is a significant issue, like the site is hacked or whatever other downtime we've had, he's taken care of it in an efficient manner all things considered.


So you're going to create a site called bansheebabes.com, but what does it have in it for me that I already dont have here. The member base?, the information base?, the ease of use?. Ohhh I get the url name now.....its for the 5 or 6 girl members that are here for them to have a whole site of their own.....or will it be thrown into a one off porn site of babes on banshees like the one or 2 threads we've had on here? Personally I could go look at porn and be much more satisfied, I come here for information. You say your site will have everything we've asked for here and MORE......what exactly will this more be?


Personally I'll be quite happy when you're gone.....all you've done over the last couple months is bitch about this and that and take shots at Lee......its getting a bit old

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Brooke, you need to quit watching the news and open your eyes. I was in Iraq for 13 months. I am a Staff Sergeant in the Army and let me tell you that Lee is right on. I truly believe that Bush does have his own agenda and hopefully Americans will open their eyes at election time. First of all we need to police up our own soil before we go to a country that most of the people dont want us there in the first place. If you hear about Iraqi people that are glad that we are there it was because they just recieved something from us, but on a day to day basis they dont want us there. All Im asking is for you to support your troops and open your eyes to your government. The news isnt right even 50% of the time on the Iraq issue

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I forgot to add, since 9/11 we've only spent like 225 million dollars on homeland security, which more is spent in a week going to the war machine. It certainly shows where the priorities are.

i think they view it as the money going to kill the offense rather than paying for more defense. or is that just me? :whoa:

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Lees ass is not kissable where I come from-but I would tongue kiss yours in a heart :D Just because we dont all agree donesnt been we cant talk about shit-dont run away when its not going your way

I guess that made you part must have hit a nerve-who cares what Lee does with his time-but his time is what brought us here-you talk about men dogging you out-maybe it aint the men-been dog by a few girls myself-doesnt mean Im gonna switch teams or play the middle-stay true to you---and all the guys who were kissing up to sugarmajic bangheadbanghead .And just to let you know you still have a nice ass

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I took it off. You dont need a moderator for that just ask. I think that should

be a reminder of what the hell were doin over there.

sorry man, i didn't mean to be an asshole, it just caught me way off guard. that was some disgusting shit and with all the hot-blooded thoughts and arguments I didn't think it was very proper.


you might post it in the Images section and that way who ever wants to see it can. I probably won't be looking at it again though.

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