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advance timing vs lightening flywheel

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Advancing the timing causes the spark to occur earlier in the ignition cycle. Advancing the timing is a good way to get some extra HP. The fuel in the engine doesn't explode -- it is a controlled burn. The further you advance it, the more power you get, but also the closer you come to a condition called detonation (pinging), which is an explosion of the fuel and is very bad for any engine. A guy in the S10 forums posted a pic of bent rods from pinging. But, the stock timing is relatively conservative to prevent someone from pinging their engine to death if they run crap fuel. If you run higher octanes, you can advance it even further. Octane is basically the fuel's resistance to exploding (which is bad). The higher th better.


Make sure you're running good (92/93+) octane fuel and you can safely advance it 4 degrees, most likely more.

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im interested in this too. I want a +4 key, shaved head, and a mild / dune port. Is this safe to do on a stock crank and rod? I know alot of guys have them trued and welded to withstand the extra HP or whatnot. But id rather not split my cases. AS for the trueing... if i have to do it should i send it somewhere or could i take it to a local hot rod shop. Would they know what, where to weld it? SOrry not trying to steal your thread just dont want to start another topic abou tthe same stuff

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