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Do U Support Bush

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Obviously another bush supporter... been to the same skoolz as the pres

perfect timing for bush to run... the whole country is overrun with people with 2nd grade reading and writing levels just like lil bush <_<

I'm going to write a bush campaign ad

welcum to mmmerica therr aint no terrrrizm no threts to ar cuntree cuz i bloo up evrrrthin i cuud find. my dawterrrz ar crak heds jus lyk th rest of mmmmerica ar borderz ar sicuuur agenst terrrisss becuz i went acroos the werld and bloo up my daadys enemeez but i kant keep my dawterz from gettin thar dope n wy shuud i. th longer thar dopd up th les i hav to be a guud dad an th mor tym i can spnd wastin mmmmericas monee an killin othr peepls kidz.

innywayz vot fer me... yoo dond hav a choyc nnywayz i payd fer them vots tuu

haha Right on!

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G.W. Bush?

bush-a greedy chickenhawk? Sounds right to me...


all the contracts to rebuild the pumpjacks, make the pipelines, etc

are going to allied countries! Does "Joebob's oil co" based out of bagdad get to do the drilling? NO, American countries get all the work and the money.


"Terrorists"-or those bad ninja looking dudes- can be killed? Not really. If i shot your friend, would you not try to shoot me? Same for terrorists! When a US bullet kills someone, that someone's son, father, friend,etc is now bent on revenge! ARE WE STUPID? if each person in the US gave up 2$ a year in wages, and that money was spent on food,shelter, vaccines, water, etc for foriegn countries, THERE WOULD BE NO TERRORISM. Would you try to bomb a country that helped to save your village? no. Would you try to bomb a country for killing your mom with a "guided" tomohawk cruise missle? i would. So lets stop the killing circle, and just start trying to make the world a good place to live! that starts with kicking that

FACIST(the patriot act anyone? Lets give up our rights, itll be prison, what fun!), ELECTION STEALLING(Remember florida? funny how the pivital state in the election was run by Bush's Brother?) WIMPY(We, the few 2-stroke riders left in the atv world, do not know the word. But where was bush when the call was made? AWOL!!! Were was kerry? Fighting like a man.) DICTATOR("this sure would be easier if I was a dictator"-Bush, on his frustration towards the democratic process)

Asshole (he is.)


don't believe me if you like living in world without freedom. As for my facts. look up this shit on the net

Read "all fall down"

Goto www.michealmoore.com


Sorry to ruin your day with the truth, but hey if you like being able to ride you 'shee- Sorry but that could be considered an act of terrorism- then don't vote bush. If you like being ass raped, then vote BUSH. Thank you for your time. :angry: BUSH

Thank you finally someone brought some truth into these non believers


If you ppl knew anything about the Bush's you woudl know their getting something from this war, their looking out for their best interest. f*ck CNN, screw the mass media thats a load of crap what their saying....liek someone said earlier you all have brains think for yourself...you dont realize how corrupt our govt. is.....its politicians for christ sake....

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o please, michael moore is nothing more than a conspiracy theorist and a bleeding heart liberal.

Let me amend that by adding worthless piece of shit waste of skin, that is bereft of any talent what so ever that should be lashed to a barge, pushed out into the Atlantic ocean and sank, along with Al Franken.



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I was thinking about this today, and have come to the conclusion that presidents are for the most part.....just puppets. I've gotta give bush credit....he's thrown some of his texas ways in there....but was that string even pulled by his dad?


The head of the FCC is Dick Cheney's son......The FCC is not elected.....not a part of the government really.....and are just appointed. If you believe this all just started with Janet Jackson's boob....you're correct....It was a spotlight that could be moved from George Bush declaring the war was over when it obviously isnt, to something to get peoples minds on something else. If you dont think this whole FCC push isnt because of bush and his people.....U R SOFA KING READ TODD DID


He is a decent president, and much better than Al Gore I believe could ever be, cause god if he isnt a puppet waiting to happen. But his ways of starting this war we're horrible. Instead of pushing this WMD thing through the UN and going off on our own with this thing, why didnt he push the fact that Saddam is the hitler of our time, and he's doing it to his own people. The way people were living over there was sad, and it didnt have to be that way with all the money and oil that country has to offer. They are a country that has the most chance of being a civil country, under whatever form of govt. they choose, out of all the surrounding countries. I believe that they should of approached this in the manner of a building block for the middle east.


I'm just tired of seeing puppets come and go in this role as president. When are we going to get a REAL president again? Maybe never.....I dont see it coming from this reelection. It makes me not even want to vote. I think I might just close my eyes and pull a lever. :flush:

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first of all bush did push the fact that sadam is hitler and that the iraqis were getting killed all the time, WMds was just one thing out of about 10 reasons. the media just concentrates on those because they think it will convince people he made the whole thing up.nevermind that every presedent since bush sr said they were there, even J Kerry said they were there in a speach he made in 1998. they were there.....


and as for the other michle moore guys i dont even know where to start, so ill just ask this. you talk about ending the killing circle and how if we just give them money they will leave us alone. let me ask you this, what did we do to them that made us deserve 9/11. and what about Solomolia? if you remember, we were in somolia handing out rice!! we went in to capture a war lord who was killing civilians and stealing the rice we were trying to hand out, that was it. we didnt kill anyone we were just there helping. please explain the 18 brave men who died there...? why did they die if all you have to do is be nice and no one will hurt you? lets pretend for a second...(i dont really think this about you) but lets say i hate you because you have nutty political ideas, i say i am going to beat you with a stick till you change your mind, if you give me $1000 and buy me a steak dinner, im still going to hate you and now im also going to think your a complete idiot. and your still going to get hit with a stick. this is like the women who marry a guy who beats them because there sure if they stay with him and be nice he'll change, it never happend and usually the woman ends up dead. the one and only way to end the killing circle is to make sure theres no one left that wants to kill you. you cannot change someones heart, not byt being nice not with money. i am not afraid to fight and i am sorry you are, 60 years ago you would have said the same for Hitler just like Chamberlin, we could have saved 6 million jews, its too bad people who are afraid always result in the deaths of so many innocent.........

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when a woman is being beat up she has 2 choices... beat him up like she got beat or leave. the best option, even though it may not seem as satisfying, is to walk away. Unless she beats him and each and every one of his white trash friends {assuming he's white}, she will spend the rest of her life in fear because they will always be looking for revenge.

The best thing to do with the violent oil rich nations is to dry up their source of income OIL and turn them back into the insignificant gangs they used to be. The US has a hard enough time educating and feeding and providing health care for it's own citizens.

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well are you willing to give up all fossil fuel burning things you have? at least then they could only kill isrealies and american tourists. i would much rather keep fossil fuel. frag them all and let god sort it out. i have no tollerance for evil its too bad some people try to just ignor it.

Edited by BLACKeR
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well are you willing to give up all fossil fuel burning things you have? at least then they could only kill isrealies and american tourists. i would much rather keep fossil fuel. frag them all and let god sort it out. i have no tollerance for evil its too bad some people try to just ignor it.

You have alot in common with many powerful rulers... your personal convenience is worth more than anyones life and you think somehow God supports your stupidity. My humble opinion of course.

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holyman i admire you for actually having an idea to solve the problem with. are you actually limitting you oil consumption? if you can figure out an effective logical way to cut down the world oil cunsumption enough to make a diffenence without destroying industry im for it. i base my opinions on what makes me feel good, i just value american lives and prosperity more than other countries, call me selfesh but i like you more than some frenchman or iraqi. and well i see violence in this situation as the best most effective way to keep maerican safe and prosperous.

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