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Plastic Cleanin Time

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Hey everyone, I know I've seen posts on here asking what to use for cleaning your plastics, so dont get mad at me for making another...


I just wanted to let you know that I have an 87, and it has its original plastics on it, which are white with red gas tank and radiator cover.. As you can guess, its got some discoloration to it from its old age, and also some sun damage from being outside uncovered and whatnot. I will try and get a picture this weekend of the plastic because it has alot of little almost grey spots and mixed with a little yellow, they arent that bad, but sure would look better with them cleaned.


Anyways, I was cleaning a few parts up and decided to try the stuff out on my plastic. If you have ever seen it, its called Goof-off, which to my SMELL, i would say is a mix of alcohol and some other cleaning solution. It really breaks down grease and other bad stuff, such as sticker residue or even simple things like dirt thats been on something a while.


I used this stuff on my plastic to get a grease spot out, and it made it shine! I was suprised so i tried it on those spots i mentioned earlier, same result.. With some good pressure i was able to get out any spot i wanted.. Which really excited me. So if you have any spots on your plastic, or grease on parts, try it out. I got a grease spot out of my shock cover, and was able to remove my plasitcs discoloration. HIGHLY recommend you getting a small bottle of this stuff and giving it a whirl.




Try goof-off on your banshee, it cleans most things up that you wouldnt think possible. B)

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As for being safe... I will get back to you in a few days ;)


I dont think its THAT strong because its not like its made to eat metal or whatever, I use it on my boat fiberglass to get rid of scuffs, and have used it on a pool cue to get a sticker off and those both didnt get effected.


But seeing how I already put it on my plastic, I will be the test dummy. I did it friday night and saturday morning so I will get you an update like wednesday or so.


You can buy it pretty much anywhere as far as I'm concerned. I bought mine at a hardware store.


Here is what it says on the bottle..... (it is in a tin can with a squirt style top)


Goof Off

The ultimate remover!

Gum, candle wax, grease, pen, oil, scuff marks, lipstick, marker, crayon, dried latex paint, "drips and splatters", glue, adhesives, sticker residue


Now i found a scary part... :(


CAUTION - always pretest on inconspicuous area first. May damage plastics, vinyls, fiberglass, and oxidized metals.


For use on - Nylon, polyprolyne and wool carpets, fully cured varnished and oil-base painted surfaces, laminated counter tops, metal, glass, brick, wood, concrete, grout, most fabrics, most carpets


SO....Now that I've read not to use it on what I've used it on.. I am a little curious. What I am thinking is that they have had incidents where it hurts a material, and must put it on the label for legal reasons.. I say this because I use it on my boat's fiberglass, and hopefully it didnt hurt my shee :unsure:


I suggest you dont use it until I give you the thumbs up.. =)

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Called in and had someone check out my plastics. They all seem to be fine, today is monday, I did it saturday morning.. So I think that if it was going to cause any problems it would have started to do it by now.


I think the plastics are a type of polypropalene (spelling?) which is alot tougher then the plastics I feel they are warning you about.. So, if you want to try it out on your own, go ahead. I dont think it will hurt anything, and if it does end up hurting my plastics, I will inform you all immediatly.



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