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Cut Fenders


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just got some brand new maier plastic and i want to cut the front fenders. some guys i work with say its a stupid idea cause dirt, rocks, and mud will fly up and hit me. is it worth it? will it be a big problem for me after i do it?...it probbally dosent matter but i have +2 arms

if you strictly mx, then do it. if you trail ride, don't. you'll be dirty, muddy, and whatever else the elements are that day.

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in my opinion,they don't do shit anyways. i say trim em, i plan on trimming mine as soon as i can. i think it looks alot better too. B) the rear plastics work a little bit but if it's muddy and/or wet u gotta see it comin that ur gonna get muddy or soaked .and like others said. if u don't get dirrty u are probally not riding hard enough lol :lol::)

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in my opinion,they don't do shit anyways. i say trim em, i plan on trimming mine as soon as i can. i think it looks alot better too. B)  the rear plastics work a little bit but if it's muddy and/or wet u gotta see it comin that ur gonna get muddy or soaked .and like others said. if u don't get dirrty u are probally not riding hard enough lol  :lol:        :)

Your Shee looks just like mine..


I fianly shaved off the dumbo ears since I ride 90% sand only anyways, Made the rides alot more fun since you can see exactly what your tires are hitting..I love it and wish I did it earlier!


If you want to see pics of what your shee woudl look like see my post maybe a page back in the images forum.


What do you guys trim yorus with? I used a hacksaw -> Rasp -> 80 grit -> 200 grit sand paper, left a more perfect edge than are ont he plasitcs where I did not cut them! My cuts witht he hacksaw sucked, especialy one the one side where I had to cut it left handed, but the rasp magically smoothered everything flat and even...

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