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Hazelton Nepa


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semi off topic but did you hear any rumors about the paragon(adventure park in hazelton) buying/paying coal companies to level riding spots so the only good ones around will be owned by them so they can make more $$$. I've head a bunch of stories for my frineds that ride around here. just wondeing if any one knew any thing about it.

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well i know that paragon has bought land and stuff, the one place in hazleton called the peak its a huge slate bank on the aethur gardner highway i THINK they bought that land awhile ago and one of paragon guys said they were going to level the huge slate bank and close the entire area off :angry: That was problably 2 years ago they said that and they dont patrol the land or anything so anybody could go up there and ride.

I do have some great news tho there are plans to build a ATV/motocross park right by me. There are several sites that are being looked at i dont know what ones for sure. i dont if paragon is envolved, there was a article in the paper about it ill try and post in in here if i can i heard theres suppose to be a couple differnt types of tracks but until that project gets underway who knows what they will be doing.

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you dont happen to know the paragon website? i was thinking about e-mailing or calling them and just asing, i figure them of all ppl shold know whats going on.



any way, should we try to keep this topic around a few months, or wait till we have nice enough weather to go riding in to organize something?

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I am from the Panther Valley area. I have been in the military overseaes for the past two years. i am planning on comming home in march so i would like to get together and go riding i have been up to hazelton before about 4 times and i love it. anybody want to set something up for, lets say the 25th of march to the 8th or 9th of april let me know. weekday or weekend doesnt matter i will be on leave.

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hey orion when ur comin in if this isn't still alive put up a new topic and i'm sure a bunch of us will let u know what the deal is. i'd love to meet some of the guys on here. i can't wait till it gets a little nicer out cas i'm doein 2 ride myself! plus i only hear good things about the hazelton area spots. i've only riddin in carbondale and around dickson city and throop.

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i can only imagine seein one of the spots around hazelton (that i know at least) where i never see more then 10 quads out there at once with like 50-70 quads out there, half of them being banshees...

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sounds like alot of coal crackers out there riding Banshees :) Eastern Pennsylvania has some of the best riders in the country, I hope to hook up with you guys this summer, I need some people to ride with. Get your skidplates ready for this summer. :ph34r::ph34r:

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