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Big Snow Storm Heading Into New England


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Big snow storm heading into New england woooooooo hooooooooo cant wait my shee is down for winter for major recon 4mm stroker for race spec powdercoat a-arms the works well I havent riden it in 2 months .Thank god for sled season 12-20 inches expected in NH-ME area time for the real speed kings the sleds. How many of you ride sleds in the winter and what do ya got just wondering what you all do for the winter

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It looks like where you live youre gonna have snow even all day Sunday.So next year when myself and a few buds go up to dayton i get to see what youve done to your shee in person. I dont own a sled for winter fun but i do sock away shee money and fun money for the spring/summer months.

I wonder how many are gonna hit off Ben's jetting FAQ sheet for some winter storm riding??? :unsure:

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I know you guys love all this white sh*t.... I like it too............when its in pictures. This is the first snow storm were getting this year, and I'm already sick of winter. I hope their predictions are off and we get missed.... but from the looks of the inch of snow on the ground now... I'm fuct.


Bahh humbug!

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Hi guys:


I have a little plastic one from Wal-Mart because the people here in Saint Louis don't know what snowmobiles are!


I am originally from Western Pennsylvania near Lake Erie and miss the white stuff! This is as far North as I have lived in twelve years. I enjoy messing with the natives about winter. Nobody here can drive in the stuff so they all hate it.


Someone send lots this way please...





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I just drove 20 miles home from work in the storm. The roads are pretty bad here, lots of rolling hills here and some of these dips in the road are very slippery. Its snowing right now, pretty hard too. Im glad im home, 20 minutes later than usual tho. Id love to go for a ride on the banshee tonight :) but its 10 miles away at my parents house <_< Tomorrow will be fun. No doubt. Wish I had a snomo :(


banshee370, you gotta love the snow !! Get bundled up and walk the dog in the snow, or break out the banshee and do some snow covererd road riding...... at night !! Go deer hunting in the snow, you just got to love huntin' dem deer in the dat der snow !!! Get in your truck and go do some donuts in a snow covered parking lot, ya gotta do atleast 10 snow donuts per snow storm. Do you ski or snowboard, time to learn how. Snowboarding is almost, if not more fun than riding kwads.

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I hate everything about winter... Cold, snow, ice, ect. I drive all week for work (800+\- miles a week) You would think that everyone else on the road that has lived in New England all there life would know how to handle the snow. Nope....... They are all clueless.


As for this storm..... My shee is ALL apart. The cases will be split today and the cyls are on their way to Oregon as we type. I sold my truck on monday so now I cant even play in the snow. I dont ski, snowboard or care to do anything in the snow. I guess I could take our back up car to do a few reverse doughnuts B)



I'd box up all of it and send it to you if I could :P

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Gearing up right now for a full day of riding. We got about 2-4 inches on the ground so far, and its the best ripping around powersliding withsnow shooting 30 feet in the air. Its as close as roosting at the dunes that i'll be anytime soon. Then at 2 oclock the second storm will hit and we're gonna get between 12-18 inches of snow. My buddy who owns a Raptor is gonna take his tractor (its a truck but that's what we call it cause its mean, maybe I'll post pics later) and plow some snow jumps in the field behind my other friends house. After if the snow gets too deep, a friend last night ho doesn't ride anything motorized told me his buddy had an extra seld for me to ride whenever. I guess the guy bought it for his wife brand new last year and now she's pregnant so she can't ride. I sure its not gonna be an 800 but free snomobiling is pretty friggin pimp. :D

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Hi Meat:


I talked to my dad last night in Pennsylvania. He said they are calling for about ten inches of new snow. However he said Sunday is supposed to go to forty degrees. It isn't going to last. Seems like it never does anymore. I am almost ready to believe that global warming crap from the liberals.





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