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Banshee engine in motorcycle help


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What is it about the cheetah that needs to be done by a builder vs me putting it together? For that matter whats the difference between the two? Do the cases need to be machined to take advantage of the cheetah?

Both the regular Cub and Serval cub are from CP Industries as well as the Cheetah. I'll use the cub platform to elaborate first. The Cub was designed as a simpler more affordable way of getting the ultimate high RPM performance to run with the original Cheetah that is now highly over priced and typically has porting dome issues due to the fact that A company with not a lot of knowledge has been given exclusive rights to the Cheetah cylinder.

Since the Cubs are more drag type specs a lot of people refer to them as "peaky" with that light switch power band that isn't quite optimal for street/track bike use. Enter the Serval Cub.... The serval was pretty identical to the Cub dimensionally however Calvin and his folks designed it with a touch different port layout so that it's a more usable power that comes on early and pushes pretty well in to the RPM's. Only heard a handful of guys say it's not enough top end charge but they are drag racing in the dunes. The Serval can be opened up a bit more with out loss on the bottom but it's just a touch more. However you can eventually tailor the motor more toward your liking with a little data logging and time if you want to change the power curve a bit. The benefit to the cub/serval cub platform is that you can literally buy everything and assemble it with no specialty tools or measuring. They can run fucking awesome out of the box. No need to trench cases for the crank and no need to bore the cases either. T


With the cheetah, you will have the ultimate in power delivery as the PV's allow the motor to grunt and lug down low, yet once they open up the motor makes ridiculous topend like a cub would. Problem with this miricle motor is that you have to buy the kit from trinity for top dollar, then send it to a builder to have the ports cleaned up and new domes made for it. I know with a 421 you shouldn't have to bore the cases, but I have heard a time or two where the case bore needed a bit of clearancing to get the cylinder sleeve to drop in to the top case. This would be the best option as you can tune the PV's to your liking and have power everywhere. But it is a more expensive route.

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