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Runnin lean?

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I didn't pull the plugs but will taking a wot look at them help me figure out my low end issue? It just wouldn't make sense that I'm too rich on the low end if it was fine before the t5's. And we do mostly trail riding so the loss in low end kinda sucks. Lol

No you're right but they'll give you a sense of how far too lean you are in mid and Idle circuits once you've got the mains right.


I should also note that I tried runnin with the air box lid off and it just bogged and was struggling to go anywhere in low throttle. Which is why I'm thinking lean?

You're VERY lean.



Try richening air screw 1/4 - 1/2 turn :cheers:

YeahThat.gif You should be starting at 1.5 turns open from seated but if you get more than a full turn closed (richer) from there, you'll have to jump up to the next pilot jet size.

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If you raise the needles/drop the clips 1 notch (richer), it'll richen your WOT as if you went up one size on the mains also. In other words if your mains were 300's and you move the clips down one notch, your plug chop will then look like you had 310's in there which is a pretty small change.


negative captain.if u got a 300 main in there thats the absolute most fuel u will get into the carb.raising the needle will richen the midrange NOT wfo.the only way to get the flow of a 310 is to put a 310 in there.so ur giving him info to help him check a wfo run with moving needle too.do not do that.keep adding main until u stutter at wfo.go the size below it.thats ur main.then u move needle clips as needed if u have a midrange issue.

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If you raise the needles/drop the clips 1 notch (richer), it'll richen your WOT as if you went up one size on the mains also. In other words if your mains were 300's and you move the clips down one notch, your plug chop will then look like you had 310's in there which is a pretty small change.


negative captain.if u got a 300 main in there thats the absolute most fuel u will get into the carb.raising the needle will richen the midrange NOT wfo.the only way to get the flow of a 310 is to put a 310 in there.so ur giving him info to help him check a wfo run with moving needle too.do not do that.keep adding main until u stutter at wfo.go the size below it.thats ur main.then u move needle clips as needed if u have a midrange issue.


Sorry Captain you've misread what was said. Don't jump into a thread having only read the last post. I wasn't suggesting to tune WOT by moving the clip. I was merely explaining that there is a significant overlap from the needle height to the mains adjustment. IF your mains were adjusted perfectly and you richen your stock needles one notch down on the clip, you will have also affected the mains as if you had gone up one size in main jets. There is MORE overlap on these adjustments than most people on here realize. Of course richening the needles will richen the mid-range, that's their function. If you need to verify the overlap for yourself, then go ahead and do it - do a jetting run and check your plugs, then drop the clip one notch (richer) and do another plug chop, you'll see the same effect (or nearly so) on the plugs as if you'd gone up a size captain.


keep adding main until u stutter at wfo.go the size below it.thats ur main.then u move needle clips as needed if u have a midrange issue.

Gikki44 that's good info. This will put you on the rich side of ideal for a nice, reliable jetting yet smooth throttle response - so long as the temp or your altitude doesn't increase significantly. You'll have to make this call yourself depending on your current conditions and what you expect in the future. For me, at the moment, this would be a good strategy b/c the temps are at about the max that we'll see in the north east (High 80's low 90's) Since I don't ride in drastically changing altitudes, right now would be a good time to use this strategy. As with everything you'll read on these forums, you'll have to apply some critical thinking to what you hear (read) and then intelligently apply it to your situation.

Edited by muggzy
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