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Hey whats going on guys, im new at all this Banshee stuff. well my question is do i have a leak? ive had a kx 250 in the past and loved it but im just a quad 2 stroke guy so i picked up a 2002 shee. it runs like a raped ape, but when it gets really hot, or after long running time it seems that my coolant drips on my right exhaust pipe (Header if you will). it doesnt always do this only after a longer run and it gets hotter than just put putting. i just dont understand. and when its not running it doesnt leak... thanks.

Edited by gohstmofo6996
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I have had the same thing happen to me on a couple of my bikes and i found that if you take off the radiator cover and put foam around the outside edge of the radiator (i use the foam tape with a sticky edge) then when you put your cover back on it fills in the gap between the radiator and the cover and forces the air to go through the radiator and not around it. Air will take the path of least resistance, this has worked well for me. :cool:

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