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i bought a lectron 38 off my friend but havent put it on because doing a rebuild. jus wondering what can i see in power diffrence going from a pwk 36? also what is the size mean for the carbs? like i know its the diameter of the opening but how does it work with the size? bigger opening more fuel and gas?

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i bought a lectron 38 off my friend but havent put it on because doing a rebuild. jus wondering what can i see in power diffrence going from a pwk 36? also what is the size mean for the carbs? like i know its the diameter of the opening but how does it work with the size? bigger opening more fuel and gas?


yeah thats pretty much what it means..the bigger the carb is the more air its gonna let through which it turn allows you to add more fuel. more air and fuel into the engine equals more HP. not sure how that carb will work for a single carb setup for size wise but i run dual 38 lectrons on my 4mil and they need to have alot of porting to allow for how big they are. once you get the lectron tuned in you'll love it cuz you'll probably never have to touch it again. i can ride mine from 30 degrees to 90 degrees and never have to touch a single thing on the carbs or worry about the engine going.

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oh sorry lol i guess its a 35 then :biggrin: but i have a decent amount of port work and i got the carb for 50 bucks so why not give it a try? :shrug:


any other opinions are welcome :thanks:

well like i said i dont know much about the 2 into 1 setups but mine handles the dual 38s pretty good so im sure you'll be fine with a single one. with mine i had to get a special cable from dennis packard (stock cable wouldnt work with lectrons that big) not sure how a single cable will be but if you find its not gonna work just give him a call and he'll get ya up and runnin and even give you a very close guess on where you should set you're metering rod for length.

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