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alright thanks man. im new to powdercoating. hey pc'ing pipes does last awhile right?

As ban99 said you may want to contact nitrotate(he did my pc work and did a great job) as he knows his stuff.. I think what your after though is refered to as "jet hot" I think its called.. Made for headers and stuff that has to deal with high heat aplications..



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Hey thanks for the complements guys.


Yeah high temp PC will hold up really well. Jet-hot and ceramic are the best overall but more expensive.


You'll see the blue on my pipes and I did that as an experiment to see how the regular PC holds up to the heat. I used black high temp from the exhaust ports up to the where the pipe gets fat because it's a lot hotter down there.


The high temp has held up perfectly through a pretty heavy riding season this pas summer in a lot of really hot days. The blue has held up really well too, the only problem is it gets a little tacky and hold onto dirt but I've cleaned and buffed it back out so it looks good again.


Anyway, I can do your stuff for you if you want to ship it to me or if you want to get it done locally here is a round estimate of the prices you should expect;


Pipe: $30-50 each

Silencer: $25-30 each

Extension pipe: $15-25 each

Hubs: $15-20 each


So yeah with possible discounts for doing everything at once you would be anywhere from $170-210 or so.



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