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Everything posted by Brooke

  1. :yelrotflmao: nice sig pic push hahaha alls i know is, if nancy pelosi becomes majority leader, we are all in for some ugly changes. im skeerd. but the republicans cant keep winning everything, i wish they could, but they have to lose something sometime. i just hope its not the house. i voted yesterday via absentee ballot :thumbsup:
  2. :yelrotflmao: OH MAN YOU SURE GOT ME THERE!! hahaha darn it all! boy is my face red!! .....you masturbate to pictures of yourself, dont you? come on, you can admit it. :wink:
  3. the school bus :yelrotflmao: "I GOTTA GET THESE KIDS TO SCHOOL!!" *meep meep*....... *putt putt * bigred, shut it, youre just jealous. keep riding without your helmet, i'll never complain. natural selection.
  4. this was the first hq group http://groups.myspace.com/bansheehq 118 of us there my page is http://www.myspace.com/bewmedia
  5. youre totally winning again :woot:
  6. haha opps. seriously dude, youre right on. they just argue that since the baby is still inside her, that its her and part of her and she has full rights over her own body. i think the opposite. i think when you are carrying a child you have a life that is dependant on you and therefore you need to be held to a higher standard. no drinking, no drugs, and hmmmm...no MURDER. abortion in the first trimester is a whole different argument with many different view points, which i can respect, but when it gets to the point where the baby is viable, can survive outside the womb, i dont see a credible argument for that. thank you rkc, id love to be a mom. watching my sister go through a pregnancy, and being involved in my nieces life really showed me what love and life is all about. too many people see pregnancy and children as a burden. its sad. and you really do bond with the baby well before its ever born. i was so over protective of my sister when she was pregnant. i drove her insane haha i drove myself insane with worry, so i just cant imagine making a choice to destroy all that just because its inconvenient for you.
  7. i sure hope so, but shes not even doing any jail time. jailhouse karma is the best most efficient kind.
  8. amen to that its sick. theres too much emphasis on why these people do these things and getting them 'help'. well who doesnt think jeffrey dahmer is one sick fuck, but that doesnt mean he shouldnt be punished for what he did. the fact is, this woman had a lot of options BEFORE getting pregnant, and pleanty of options after she got pregnant. why is it that everyone thinks that if a woman doesnt want a baby, she has every right to do whatever she wants in order to get rid of it? if someone else had shot her in the stomach to kill the baby, they would be spending the rest of their life in prison, even if she asked them to do it. it happened in florida, but via baseball bat, not gun. and the chick who asked him to do it got off with no penalty.
  9. too bad shes still got two other kids to fuck up. anyone wanna place bets on whether or not she'll get pregnant again? i bet she does.
  10. hey man, in over half our states, as long as youre a doctor, you can do it and get paid to do it. its called partial birth abortion. they dont shoot the baby though, they just deliver it part way then puncture the head and suck out the insided til the skull collapses. no shit!!!
  11. she got a suspended 10 day sentence and less than $2,000 fine i dont care how depressed you are, the fact is, these woman dont see these babies as a valuble life form. if it cant fight back and defend its self, than no harm done. so easy for them to toss a baby in a dumpster or drown it, thats fucked up. thats a murderer. and this woman wasnt too cookoo to plan this all out and then go through calling 911 trying to claim a stranger shot her. depressed people dont kill other people, they kill themselves. its one thing to think you dont want your baby, its a whole other thing to kill it in cold blood. its SELFISH and horrific. there are laws that say you can drop your baby off at any hospital or fire/police station and leave it, no questions asked. theres no excuse for this kind of shit. its murder, not depression or hormonal problems. we need to be tough on this type of behavior and thought process, not coddle the fucking psychos.
  12. anyone else hear about this? http://content.hamptonroads.com/story.cfm?...7&ran=53487 this woman was full term about to give birth when she shot herself in the stomach to end the pregnancy. and shes scott free. no jail, nothing, just a measley filing a false police report charge cause she tried to say a man shot her. she has two kids and decided she didnt want a third. TWO judges dismissed the charges cause they say theres no law saying a mother cant induce an abortion on herself at any time during her pregnancy. she was set to give birth THAT SAME DAY, and shot herself when she went into labor. shes a cold calculating murderer as far as im concerned, and there are actually people saying she shouldnt be punished, she should recieve 'help' cause she must be sick in the head. well, yeah, any murderer is sick in the head WTF. everyone thinks these types of cases, if prosecuted, are slippery slopes, that they will lead to infringes on a womant abortion rights, but i think letting this behavior go is its own slippery slope. in england any mother who kills a child up to two years of age isnt prosecuted, shes given mental health care. scary huh?? :mad:
  13. :woot: youre SO winning by a landslide! hehehe
  14. holy crap. :ohmy: meat, whats up? something wrong? why the hostility all of a sudden? geez.
  15. the sheep? youre awfully condescending. im disappointed. you dont have to be religious to be a conservative. how is it that ive turned into a more tolerant, respectful person and youve gone in the opposite direction?
  16. wow, some atheists believe in at least one if not more than one god?? amazing. so that would mean that we are all atheists. wow. makes sense.
  17. yeah group A are the atheists, you just proved yourself wrong. good one.
  18. hahaha how long did it take you to dig that up? some supposed definition from 1989?? nice try. here is the definition of an atheist according to atheists.org ATHEISM Atheism is a doctrine that states that nothing exists but natural phenomena (matter), that thought is a property or function of matter, and that death irreversibly and totally terminates individual organic units. This definition means that there are no forces, phenomena, or entities which exist outside of or apart from physical nature, or which transcend nature, or are
  19. that would be the perfect example of someone running out of bullets and throwing the gun.
  20. pay attention, einstein. i said you cant be an atheist if you believe in a god.
  21. how is that common sense? it doesnt even make sense.
  22. so, roughly 86% of the worlds population are all wrong, living some sort of unhealthy life, while the other roughly 16% including the likes of you and helldriver, are right and living much better, higher level lives?? sounds logical... you sound like yet another hypocritical self-important prick who thinks they are above the idea of a higher power. if you dont want to believe in a god, thats fine, by why be so holier-than-thou about it?
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