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Everything posted by lowidenfast

  1. What do I need to know before ordering a thumb throttle assembly to swap my quad from twist back to thumb throttle? I have seen some talk about TORS but not real sure what exactly it is besides that it is a mod done to prevent the throttle from sticking. How can I tell if my quad has the TORS mod done to it? Will this affect what I need to buy?
  2. oh Geez, I have a Toomey radiator. Wonder if 16 LBS is max on it too. Are you saying that it should specify on the cap?
  3. I might have worded that incorrectly. We tested the radiator with it. It checked out and THEN he let the exhaust fill the tester and showed me how it turns yellow. It was for educational purposes only. Is it acceptable for the cooling system to lose 2.5 lbs of pressure (approx 20.5 to 18) in the first minute or two of pressurizing the system and then hold that pressure from then on or is a 2.5 PSI drop unacceptable? Not sure how to do a leak down test but I'm sure my buddy will know. He is a master technician As far as the damages, I know I need a rear hub (accidentally called it a spindle earlier) and beadlock wheel. Hopefully the axle is Ok. We'll find out once we mount up the new hub and wheel . Up front, my leg busted the plastic right where the coolant temp gauge goes so I'm not sure how I am going to remedy that but it won't stop me from riding. May just have to re-locate that gauge. Looks like there may be room on the plastic just above the radiator
  4. What type of riding do you guys do though? I ride tight trails (aggressively) and some mx / jumping. I get in trouble when the ride is really rough and I accidentally grab too much throttle trying to hold on. In this case, I was approaching a turn in the trail, coming in hot and there were some braking bumps that got me bouncing around a bit and, as a result, I grabbed a hand full of throttle that I didn't need. I was able to swing the back end around to avoid running off of the trail altogether but my right rear rim slammed a tree When I jump, I need to be able to grip the bars tight WITHOUT twisting the throttle and I have a hard time with that. I'm sure I would eventually get used to it, but I might kill myself before that happens. I've just rode with a thumb throttle on 4 wheels and a twist on two wheels my entire life. This banshee has a pretty wicked power band (don't they all) and it doesn't take much to get you into trouble sometimes. I ride hard and I know there will be some accidents but so far the throttle has been the cause of my close calls and yesterday's accident
  5. I have a pro motion twist throttle on my bike and want to swap it for a thumb throttle set up. I also have an intake set up that has a manifold coming from the carbs into a single filter element with outerwear. Pretty sure it is Toomey brand. The outwerwear has a spot where the pipe has melted it, I can get pics together if anyone is interested. I ride in too much mud and need an airbox.
  6. I bought my banshee about 6 weeks back. It came with a twist throttle which has put me in some hairy situations a few times now. Yesterday it finally bit me in the ass. I was riding through trails and ended up on the gas much more than I wanted to be b/c of the throttle causing the back end to come around too far and catch a tree. Bent my beadlock wheel and spindle, not sure if the axle is OK or not. I went up onto the handlebars and my right shin broke the front plastic and my coolant temp gauge. I lost my billet gas cap vent tube too. What sucks is that we were just wrenching on it and this was a test ride to see if I had fixed the problem. Now I have a whole new set of problems!
  7. I did a pressure test on the coolant system. We put 20 PSI on it and it dropped about 2.5 psi rather quickly and held that pressure for 20-30 minutes until I released the pressure and removed the tester. Is there an acceptable amount of pressure loss possibly due to air escaping etc? We looked the machine over the entire time and could not find a leak anywhere. The coolant overflow line is not mixed up with the vent case hose and the oil is not milky. I would like to think I am just losing coolant from the overflow hose when jumping or riding wheelies etc. I didn't think to pull the plugs when it was pressurized and see if there was any coolant getting into the cylinders BUT my buddy had a "block tester" that detects carbon monoxide in the coolant system, which he said would be present if I had a blown head gasket and it checked out. It was a blue liquid that turns yellow if there is carbon monoxide. We stuck it over the exhaust and it turned yellow immediately. Since we couldn't find any obvious leaks, I zip tied the overflow hose so that it runs parallel with the frame instead of handing down and proceeded to ride the hell out of it and see if I lost any more fluid ....and then wrecked it pretty good so now I have new problems. I had already had some close calls because of my twist throttle and it finally bit me in the ass yesterday. On another note - Anyone have a thumb throttle assembly that they want to sell or trade for a promotion twist throttle? Maybe I'll post this in the appropriate section later
  8. Thanks guys and I like the idea about the overflow hose over the pipes
  9. Every time I ride, I lose coolant (approx. half of the reservoir depending on how long I ride) but I cannot find a leak. I was told that it could be seeping into the cylinders and being burnt up along with the fuel mixture. What is the easiest way to check this? If this is in fact what is happening, would it mean the head is warped or is there a gasket that could be blown? I have yet to start tearing anything apart - just looking for some words of wisdom before I dig into this issue. ...really hoping there is a more simple explanation that is both cheap and easy to remedy! Thanks in advance guys
  10. I bet I'll be used to it by the time I figure out how/acquire the parts/get around to changing mine back to thumb
  11. I do notice everyone is big on the shearers but, as much shit as the previous owner did to my bike, the engine is stock - just bolt on power. Even the reeds are stock, just with very small spacers. I think there are a lot of things that would make more sense to do first when the time comes for more power. If only I could find a reputable shop in GA that I trust and knows what they are doing with banshees. my last (and only) time taking this into a dealer was a nightmare. I'm no mechanic at all - never claimed to be, but I definitely know more about the bike than those jackasses
  12. OK, my power is definitely not 4 stroke smooth. Maybe my T5's are more geared towards top end? I do have some mid-range power, but transition from bottom to mid-range doesn't seem smooth. I dunno, haven't had a lot of seat time so maybe I should hold off on forming any opinions until I get more comfortable with the quad altogether I know the Elka's need a lot of dialing in too. They didn't feel so great. They have a ton of sag and I bottomed the shit out of them coming up a little short on a jump but it wasn't that big or nasty of a landing. Certainly wouldn't have expected to bottom out like I did. I don't have whatever tool you are supposed to use to tighten down on the spring. Guess I need to find some threads about dialing in shocks and brush up on my knowledge before I start messing with them. I was young when I used to ride/race and never had to worry about anything. My dad and his buddies kept my bike running top notch for me. I have a lot to learn now!
  13. Cool. What are my Toomey T5's good for? Just all-around power, right?
  14. I see this pic every time I log in. Just never seen pipes like these. What brand are they and what are they designed for, low end, mid-range, top end etc? I'm sure it's a member's ride so I'd like to say it is a sweet looking machine and, by the way, I hope you don't mind me posting the pic
  15. lowidenfast


    410/45 long colt is really nothing in a handgun that size. It is so heavy and the barrel is long enough that it would kick less than a little snub nose .38
  16. I made it through the day with only one "false neutral" but that was because I got squirly when I couldn't let go of the twist throttle and kicked down on the gear shifter not meaning to. The twist throttle absolutely MUST go immediately. That thing is suicide for MX and aggressive trail riding. I can see having one for riding in the sand and drag racing etc, but not for what I do. I almost ate it three times because of that throttle.
  17. Turns out that I just needed a shorter clutch cable. I took it for a spin last night BUT i still shifted into neutral/between gears when going from 3rd to 4th gear. How concerning is this? I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off re-wiring my trailer lights, getting new tires and a tag for it, rounding up the gear etc. for a ride that I organized this weekend. Am I going to damage something if I ride it on Saturday with this underlying issue? I'm hoping to ride Saturday and then tear it down again and get to the bottom of it. I know that some of you have told me to check the eccentric shaft and I am going to have to get more familiar with this. I asked the damn motorcycle shop to do so when I dropped it off with them but they didn't even fully re-assemble the damn bike before I picked it up... Guess it is time for me to step my mechanic skills up
  18. You ever ride at Durhamtown Plantation? I will be there next weekend with a bunch of 4 pokes assuming I get my bike back in time
  19. I would love to pick up a box or two but do they make them in anything other than 9MM? I tried to order some when i first heard about these but they were only making them in 9 and I think they were saying 45 ACP was coming soon. The only handgun calibers I currently own are .380 and .40
  20. How many members are located in Georgia? I am about an hour South of Atlanta myself Mods - feel free to relocate this if it is in the wrong area. I wasn't sure...
  21. I couldn't get it adjusted so I took it to the same guy that used to work on my old Moto4. He said it sounded like there was a bearing missing from what I told him. I need a new perch too because the threads were stripped out on the last 1/3 or so on mine.
  22. Yeah, I rode mine for 9 years. My brother had an identical one and he never really got into riding so his eventually became my parts bike. My daughter's '07 TRX 90 is a pretty sweet ride. It should last her for a long time too, especially if I do some suspension mods when she gets older.
  23. I was able to dig up this picture of the old '89 250R.
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