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About armstrong918

  • Birthday 02/23/1994

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    South Coffeyville Oklahoma

Previous Fields

  • My Banshee (optional)
    1999 Stock Banshee 1998 421 Cub

armstrong918's Achievements

HQ Noob

HQ Noob (1/5)



  1. I've spoke with him. Very nice pipes. Not in my price range tho. Thanks for the help tho man.
  2. Thanks man. Should have just bought yours when I bought all your other stuff.
  3. armstrong918

    need pipes

    Looking for pipes. I need small bore, small flange. I prefer inframe but for the right price I might go with out of frame. Comment or pm me. Thanks.
  4. It does look like a milkshake. I was using a Honda transmission oil one time and the other was some from Wal-Mart. What do yu mean by breaking down.
  5. Why would transmission fluid go from red to pink after a couple rides?
  6. Interested. Pm me how much to ship to 74072. Thanks.
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