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Dwinter8's Achievements

HQ Noob

HQ Noob (1/5)



  1. Whatever floats your boat man This is my first bike ik I'm a nob with this stuff but I've been around some pretty mean motors outside of four wheelers and loud is good if you do it right
  2. Will that be good for drag racing
  3. There is a difference between bein and loud and sounding good still and just being plan annoying if your going for loud you could atleast do it right
  4. Hey guess this is my first bike building when I got it it had a cool head don't know size of domes and a 4 swing I've put vforce3 reeds and keihin 28mm carbs on it so far I was wondering what sprockets I need to be using on front and back
  5. Looking to buy a set of 10 paddle haulers let me know what ya got thanks
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