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HQ Noob

HQ Noob (1/5)



  1. I think the tap is the most risky and important part of this, but when you drill the hole make triple sure you dont move the drill other than up and down, if you move it to either side you making the hole bigger and not deeper! Also dont lean on the drill, go slowly... When you tap the hole, treat it like a premenstrual female with fish hooks for fingers is cupping your nuts! I think jksparky has a very good tutorial on youtube.
  2. Pull the airfilter off and look in the carbs, I bet the carb on the side thats smoking more is spitting back fuel.... which could be your reeds? Also try swapping your plugs around..
  3. Personally I would start by changing your mix to 50:1, all the black spooge you taking about is caused by too much oil... and more oil means less fuel (youre running lean) Not to flame you but its a common misconception that wet plugs are caused by rich mixture, which in fact not totally true when it comes to 2strokes. You already running a high volume of oil (which I think is the cause of all your reported spooge)
  4. Its a give and take buddy, for anyone to put effort into a reply you have to put effort into your post. You know you weren't very descriptive of what you doing or your setup. Post pics diagrams etc. its not only going to give us a better understanding of your situation it will make anyone replying with a one liner seem illiterate. just saying
  5. You come here asking for help but looking for a fight?
  6. I have the exact same thing.... I thought it might be the timing, that was set to +4 to which I set back to 0 now. But I havent rode the bike to see if it makes a difference....
  7. I want to get this guy at my funeral!
  8. No problem, I read everything on that link like 20 times and have used it as reference even more. you can tell allot of effort and thinking went into it.
  9. That changes everything... I can take an educated guess but its too late for that... Here uis a link that might guide you in the right direction when you are mobile again, it helped me alot! http://www.dfn.com/agservices/jetfaq.html
  10. What do your plugs look like, and what is your jetting sizes?
  11. Dude you just got owned take it like a man...
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