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Everything posted by wfobasheeboy

  1. Sorry guy but buy the time u posted the both sub and stem where spoken for by the guy that ahead of you.
  2. Cleaning out some use and new drag parts out. All parts are OBO and shipped. Please Gift or ADD THE PAY PAL FEES . Thank you for looking. New never used only pulled from box for pic. Deafman chassis Drag radiator it fits all chassis LSR etc. $350 shipped Fit all chassis LSR etc. 12" Mmini. $350 shipped
  3. Bad ass Cam! Always working on making the best HP around. Looks like I will trying this set up soon!
  4. I would go with Fireball. They just finish up my TI sub for me!
  5. YO You got a PM for an axle.
  6. Yes let's see pic of that machine work.
  7. Fuk porting and just run any set of domes and top it off small air filter too. Then she will be a runner.
  8. X2 this is what i was thinking to. WTF is this world coming to.WOW
  9. X2 ^^ something is not adding up here....HMM
  10. Here is the link to buy right from them. http://www.nology.com/profire.php
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