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Everything posted by ItzaBansheeBitch

  1. SWEET!! Thanks man!! I feel like a Crack Phen, Its sunny 75* and my shee had been down a Week!!! Time to get my FIX!
  2. Its ok man, When I'm at work Jeff at FAST is porting my shee and also port matching my cases.... my point is, if I can fix in a day or so I'm game, Longer than that its going to the PRO'S. Its all about convince, I dont have the time in my life to do all the shit I want to do to my shee, so If I want it done so I can still be alive to enjoy it I send it off with a nice fat check. Then I get back a NICE NEW MONSTER!! PS. YOUR 2-stoke might be out of date, But YOU, and all 4-strokes, will never catch mine to get to see what the EXP. Date is!! :biggrin:
  3. Ok so here is the deal, I got my 2-n-1 set up that I thought was comming next week. I have no oil and an empty tank... I wanna ride some today but the bike shops are closed on Sunday. I NEED Oil!!! ANY brands you guys have used before for a couple hr ride? Thanks!
  4. Thank you sir :thumbsup: WOW so I guess you can hear me..
  5. Correction They are D slides, And yes thes bitches WAKE UP A BANSHEE!!
  6. Stock is only 22cc so its not that big of a diff. I run 17cc it did not affect the jetting. Now for the port did you do it? or did you buy them ported? If you did it, Well all I can say is I hope you left some meat. Port work is an art, NO ONE has a good first port. I have yet to see one, Tuning that mother is gona be a bitch if the port work dont match. I might have to eat my words from my previous statement. now if you egayed them then you might still be in the same boat, Send them to a pro to be looked at that would be my best advice. I doubt that they would charge very much. Call FAST and HERJUGS and talk to them.
  7. SWEET!!! Now that I have turned this into a WAY off topic thread, I will try to get back to the topic. How would you jet this setup? 36mm pj 2-n-1, VF2's, Dune port s/s,.20 over, 17 cc domes, with CPI's ??? Sea level temp at 90*??
  8. Do you have a pic of one? Would that help a gas motor or just flood the piss out of it?
  9. Pluse pump? Remember Im a fuggn tard, YOU MUST EXPLAIN SLOWLY lol Is that like a hand pump for a boat?
  10. Im in the process of the Dc conversion at this time also so a Fuel pump could also be a poss. :biggrin: I wanna HAUL ASS!!!!
  11. HEY i just saw that part, I got a set of stock carbs, Whats entailed in turning them into ALKY carbs?
  12. Oh well 110 and a single will do for this season. DAJ if you got a set of alky carbs your not runnin let me know. I wanna get so far off in alky that I need AA. Thanks for the comments guys. So 200 mains for seal level, what about the pilot?
  13. Your Buddie is a FUCKIN RETARD. How the fuck can a port job cause a blown motor? He is a putts and needs his banshee taken from him if he has one. WHO ever did the motor work should be able to put you spot on with the changes you need to make. If not then find a better builder. Kev is a good guy and has a strong following, Hes not gona fuck you up with settings. Tell your builder to do his homework, and tell your buddie to take clef notes as well.
  14. DaJ ??? you here I figured you could smell the word ALKY... LOL come on all you Alcoholics!! lol
  15. Well I did it, Sold the 30's and bought a single 36 pj and a 2-n-1 intake, .20 over Dune port, 17cc cool head, CPI's, VF2. Well where should I start???? As soon as ups pulls up I wanna throw this Bioch together and ride. I AM HAVING WITHDRAWALS BAD!!! Thanks for the help.
  16. Is ALL the tors off? (little black box above the left cyl fucka A LOT of peeps up) Also check the wires running from the coil The little male/female plugs.
  17. Bro call A&S if they built the motor he Should be able to help you out, if not find a better builder cause you sure seem to have a BUNCH of problems from a FRESH built motor......
  18. Get New reeds!! If they are new send them back
  19. These thing have some MAJOR potential!! Check out some of the trucks here. ClodTalk.com
  20. Do you have any steel braided front brake lines? Stock length plz. Also how bout a chaise skid plate and a rear skid plate.
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