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Everything posted by 2 STROKIN'

  1. Awesome idea if your in a jam...but I'd still rather spend $80 on a bead breaker...should pay for itself pretty quick if you change tires alot; or pitch in and share one with friends! http://www.pitposse.com/atvbeadbreaker.html http://www.cyclepages.com/ProductGroupDisp...GroupID=5501636 http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_auto?url...p;x=14&y=15 http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/BEAD-BREAKE...3QQcmdZViewItem ( There's 4 url's...didn't know how to seperate)
  2. Basic rule of thumb, man...hahaha lmfao That was funny, man...got a good chuckle!
  3. Let's hear somemore...I'm sure you've got some good ones!
  4. http://www.nextag.com/helmet-cameras/stores-html
  5. I'm sure once you get started, your 'vision' will get better and better! Good luck!
  6. I totally agree...cops need to pick and choose what validates a high speed pursuit in a residential neighborhood! If the jack-ass would have made it around the corner or something without being chased, he probably would have pulled it back in the garage. Believe me, I'm NOT ccondoning this type of riding, but you should at least know where the fuck you are, and where your going if your gonna run ( experience )!! Bottom line- the guy is a tard, and the cops were probably bored.
  7. No offense to anyone, but people run from the cops on ANYTHING they can...cars, trucks, motorcycles, scooters, bicycles, (airplanes(hahaha) etc.etc. As long as we don't do what he did, he's only giving himself a 'bad name'. Ride where your suppose to, and 'bad names' won't affect you at all ! My 2 cents
  8. You wanted pics...here's some pics. Sorry for multi-posting.
  9. He's never done or said anything to me, and I don't know him, or frequent his website...but if he's threatening the integrity, or entire 'being' of the HQ website, he MUST go!!! FUCK that shit, man!
  10. x2...AND it's awesome! Tate's all good in my book!
  11. Speechless...our condolences to you and your family. May she rest in peace. Be strong, family needs you!
  12. Oh shit!! 4:26...I'm late!

  13. Ol' lady wants to know if there's gonna be any 'Baby doll' sizes??? Could be a good way to get MORE BHQ babes posted... :cool: :woot: :cool:
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