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Posts posted by Bansh88

  1. Your chain is not stretching.

    I had this exact same problem. Whats happening is your Carrier is slipping and turning your rear sprocket.

    Unhook your chain and fiddle with your carrier. Try and turn it 180 and see if it will stay in place.


    Make sure round house is tight. that might be the simplest soolution.

  2. Powdercoat is nice but it costs about 20x as much as a rattle can and you HAVE to take your tires off.


    I say tape off the tires and spray em up. Give them a light primer first. If you get extra cash and time later on, go for a PC.

    Paint holds up pretty nice.

  3. Keg and Draft beers will mess you up a lot worse than cans and bottles.

    Domestics seem to make me sick way more than Imports or Micro-brews.

    As far as alcohol, try and stick to the same stuff/drinks all night. Mixing makes for bad mojo. Same with beer, the cheaper stuff seems to make me sick more often.


    I get hangovers so bad that thought of it looms over me when I drink. I actually do most of my drinking in the moring and afternoon and try to sober up (or at least mellow out) in the evenings before bed.

  4. If you got a good deal on them, get them. It's a solid tire and will work great.

    As much as people praise Haulers, Skat Traks are the only paddle I've ever seen come apart. They are light and fast but with the paddles being glued on, problems can arise.

    A molded tire will basically last forever.

  5. Spend the money on the shocks. Go cheaper on the arms as they are not as important as the shocks.

    Also, don't focus on the "Dune Edition" just because of the name. Not a top of the line shock by any means.


    Some really great riders I ride with swear by PEP.

  6. Can't really undersatnd all of that statement but I know a lot of hardcore Banshee guysa nd racers that prefer the T5s.

    If your really serious about staying cool, look into an aftermarket radiator.

    I prefer not to take apart my engine if I don't have to. Leave your head alone for now. You'll be fine.

    I ride Glamis in the middle of summer and have never had an issue with my bikes.

  7. ok. You guys must be talking about those trails you get in wet sand? Where it gets super rutted out?


    Sorry to hear that. My sand is beautiful and dry!

    Be careful, you can actually throw your chain off this way.

  8. Check your sprockets and make sure are not missing nay teeth.

    Make sure your chain has teh proper tension.

    Unless you're stuck, your chain should not be touching the sand. Cresting/Transitioning a dune is the only time you should be hitting sand and that's only for a second.

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