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Posts posted by Bansh88

  1. I was all jazzed one day to install my new IMS pegs. Broke the head off! Ruined my day.


    E-z out didn't work. I ended up drilling the stuff out. Had to chip away most of it to get it out. Tore up the threads pretty bad.

    I tried cleaning out the threads witgh the same size die. It was pretty loose. I used a bigger sized die with a fatter thread. That finally did the trick.

    It has held up for 3 years now. No problems. I'll always think twice about removing those bolts in the future.

  2. Finding a pic somewhere online shouldn't be hard. Tons of 250rs have them. It'll give you an idea of what they look like.

    Not a bad look. I like the idea of being able to see how much gas I got as well. If the rest of your bike has some white, it ought to look good. I don't think yellowing is much of an issue. It'll get dirty I'm sure

  3. Other than not being great for sand, it restricts your time out of the sand. Say you want to jump on a road or hardpack, (like at Glamis for example) having paddles is going to suck.

  4. General consensus on GlamisDunes.com is that knobbies are your best bet. There are a ton of Rhino owners on there too. You need to keep up speed and momentum with the Rhino and paddles will just slow you down.

    With the heavy weight of the Rhino you would want a sturdy, thick tire. I've seen Sand Stars and GEckos on Rhino before.

  5. 11 am. The Flag Pole isn't the easiest thing to find out there. But if you see LARGE lines of people heading west around 10am or so, they're probably heading out there. I'll be in a group of 2 or 3. No GPS so we're going to have to rely on our memory and luck.

  6. Forest areas are where you'll get popped. They check for everything. Desert is a safer place to pull it off. I ride my red sticker '06 at Glamis without problems.

    It's one of those things that you'll probably get busted for after the fact. like if you're in a rowdy campor something and then they start checking stuff.

    Since '06 was teh last year, I bet all Banshees will be given Green stattus soon. It's dumb to make just 2 years red sticker. Making them all green would be easier for everyone, including the government.

  7. There's a guy over at GlamisDunes.com that has one. he says it's pretty sweet but not for Dunes. It's made for going full throttle in open desert.

    I hear Sundahl is willing to build them. But not in any kind of mass quantity and you probably have to know someone who knows someone to get it done.

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