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white trash

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Posts posted by white trash

  1. Silver city is the one with the 'outback' right?  do you get a site or stay in the back?



    Not sure never stayed there before. As for where Im popping the tent... A buddy of mine reserved the site for both of us, so to be perfectly honest all I know is that is where I'm staying at.

  2. a pair of purple chaps I got from a prince auction( yes the ass cheeks are cut out) and some leg warmers!




    that'd be a little rough with a gripper seat




    Holy shit your ass must look like a baboons after a good day of riding :bolt:



  3. Agreed....crankcase pressure leaking into the gearbox could do exactly that.  The only place that could happen at is on the clutch side between the cases or between the crankshaft housing and the gearbox...correct?





    Thanks guys. It was kinda alot of oil. Enough for me to notice the little trail anyway. I doubt its beause the cases arent sealed properly. I shipped Jim my entire motor and he did the whole 9 yards, motor only has 50 hours max on it. I'll run it again tomorrow and see what happens, then I'll check the clutch seal.

  4. Unless I am missing something here I don't see how an o-ring in the head could allow coolant into the back 1/2 of the crankcase



    Just started thinking and i realize its not a head o-ring. Im not loosing coolant. I am loosing oil. The oil is dripping out of the front of the tube that comes from the back of the motor, and up from the impellar.......

  5. Was running fine on saturday, rode all day without a problem. today i took it for a spin down the field and when i got back home i noticed an oil trail in the driveway where i had rode out. I just read the other topic where the dude was losing coolant, and Gimmeabeer mentioned somthing about oil too. Just want to make sure before i rip the head off????? It shouldnt have got hot enough to melt the o-ring before i rode out. I started it and let it idle while i adjusted my chain, so shee ran for about 5 minutes. :shrugani:

  6. welll thanx every1! I really dont mess wit them like that to rip em apart. im not that good yet lol. Does anyone know any good shops or some1 in ny? that does a good job for cheap?




    To hell with taking it to a shop. Who cares if your not that good turning wrenches on it yet. Get a clymer and your toolbox and go to town. If you keep taking it to a shop your never gonna get used to working on you own machine. Its the only way to learn man.

  7. If all you do is drag get the out of frame pipes....I would go with GRR for drag.






    If its strictly a drag bike I dont think you could go wrong with the GRR out frames. If you want to go inframe i would vote shearer. Mine pull like a bat out of hell

  8. works connection does not make shocks. they make levers, perchs, and other misc stuff. www.worksconnection.com :shootself:




    I wasnt saying that works connection made shocks or whatever. I was simply using Elka, and works as an example.... however Roll design DOES make A-arms (whom your "sponsered" by) and your looking at Jansen's??? I always thought if you were sponsered by roll you had to use their shit... not the same product made by another company (Janseen) or your sponser would drop you.

  9. Got a small group going up for the weekend. I should be pulling into town around noon on The 24th, ride the rest of the day, all day the 25th, and till about 2 or 3 on the 26th.


    This is still a month out so there is plenty of time for you to plan for it. I really hope to meet some HQ'rs there :cheers:


    Group this far includes me on my banshee, my G/F on her raptor, another 686 raptor, a DS 650 with a GXSR 750 motor, another DS, and two banshee's




  10. i don't think i'm the only one when i think your sponsor list was pulled out of your ass  :huh:  :ph34r:  :shootself:





    And dont you usually have to use ONLY your sponsers products.. for instance, if your sponsered by elka, you can run works...etc etc ?

  11. Kind of a hard spot to get an easy measurment. From the outer edge (right of) the stud on the front of the head, to the inside of the pipe I am coming up with 2-1/4 +/- 1/8 of an inch. Like i said hard to measure. If you want man, Im only an hor or so away from you, you could bring your bike to my house and we could pull my pipes off and put em on your bike to check fitment.


    Here's a pic of where i measured. let me know if you need a different one :cheers:

  12. fuel injection easier to work with than carbs? i dont think so...if it were every big builder out there would be using it. its much harder to get tuned and when there is a problem itll be alot more complicated than with carbs...ill stick to my carbs anyday...




    No fuckin joke there. The only true advantage i can see of having EFI would be if you often see large elevation changes, or drastic temp changes. Too much shit that could potentially go wrong... And I for one would rather trouble shoot a carb opposed to a EFI system. Besides jetting isnt hard.

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