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Everything posted by chris97shee

  1. I don't mean to be a stick in the mud but i was wondering exactly how to advance timing on a banshee? When i got mine i didn't have to cause it already was, but im getting a new one soon and i was planing on doing it thanks.
  2. Maybe it's just cause banshee's are so damn fast. hahaha just kiddin, they are freakin fast though
  3. My friends got a yfz and that thig is fast for bein stock. we raced on the track in our dessert and i was beating him the whole time. whenevr we go trailing i am always in front. We havent been to the dunes yet but im sure i'll beat him there, maybe im just a better rider
  4. Dam dude that sounds like it hurt, my buddy crashed on his zilla jumin and it rolled on him and his hand was crushed in three places from his bars and a rock. The doctor drilled a hole in his finger to let built up liquid pour out.
  5. I have a 97 shee that i bought used 2 years ago. It was all good for 2 months and then my clutch arm broke and i had nothing but problems from there for about a year and a half. I've came to the conclusion of selling the shee and getting a brand new one. im gonna trade it in and use that money on a down payment for a new one and finance the rest.
  6. That is one fast quad if your pushin 100 horses. I give your props man
  7. Wow i'm surprised he thought he even had a chance. That sucks for the brand new quad though
  8. When i got my trinity carb setup i didn't have to get reeds. I got the setup with the carb., filter and cable i put it on and went ridin and everything was fine. Its a pretty tight kit.
  9. Yeah he was a little mad but he traded the shee about 2 weeks later for a yz250. Also yeah i was wearin all gear but my side went numb for a good 6 months. All this happened about a year ago
  10. One time i was ridin out in the desert goin 6th pinned on a long straitaway.The right of the trail i was on was kinda hilly, meaning there were little 5 foot hills spaced apart prolly 9-10 feet. So im goin 6th pinned and all of a sudden over the hill i just went i relized that there was a big wash about 10 feet in front of me. i gave it gas and got on the grab bar to try to skip over it but the thing was like 5 feet across and 3 feet deep.Imade the front end over but i cased it and the back end flew up. I think the quad did 3 front flips and i went flying landing on my chest and bounced off a few rocks. I messed up my side and couldn't feel it for 5 months also gashed my arm's and leg's pretty good(which stung like a bitch once the wind hit it). As for the quad, which was my friends, it suffered from a shattered trottle tube, tweaked frame in the front and lots of plastic damage. I dont remember but my friends told me i blacked out and wasn't talkin or moving for like 45 seconds.
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