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Everything posted by wheeleymaster99

  1. i'm leavein next thrusday if i can get all my shit togeather
  2. ok sent um to ya please poast them for me thanks a lot
  3. well i've got 1 side of my a-arms on the right side had went on fine with no problems heres a few pics as you can see i'm tryin to find a new way to rute me breaklines intell i get new ones the right side has the a-arms and PEP shocks on
  4. i'm goin the first weekend of spring break what campground you all satyin in i think were goin to be in the north cuz we are pulling 2 trailers and theres no room on the other camp ground
  5. alright take some tonight when i get home from school
  6. well they finaly got here today everythings there should have them on in the next day or 2 i'll let ya know how they go on
  7. well its been a gooe 4 weeks but he said ups messed up the order and he had to fedx it so i donno whats goin on
  8. yeah i think i might make one speed ball field in an open spot and then make a bigger field through the woods and i already have some dirt bunkers and i dont think i could find enough old tires to do anything with so i'm going to stick with 55 gallon drums or pallets
  9. mine are takeing for fu*king ever to get here tracked them and they shgould be here on tuseday but who knows
  10. no if it turns out nice enough i'll put adds up in some plases and put it on some paintball web sites and see if i can get anyone out there to play
  11. yeah i'm planning on makeing it real nice but i halft to charge some to pay for inchurance or i would let anyone play for free
  12. sounds sweet but does anyone have any idea how much plastic 55 gallon drums will coast i would like to try to find some old ones someone will just give me but i dont know where to find any but i know i can get pallets for free and lots of them i might just halft to end up useing those
  13. yeah my dad ribilds crashed cars and he does body work so at the time we got a lot of old car hoods and doors and everything but i want to make a lot nicer and i was also thinking about useing plaets and puting a layer of black plastic in them so paint cant go through but mainly i'm looking for some plastic drums if i find any i will poast some pics of thye field when i finish
  14. i'm thinking about makeing a paintball field i have 10 acres so i have room i'm thinking about makeing one speedball field first and another later on i know i will halft to get incurance got a fill station and connections to good caes of paint real cheap i could sell but i'm thinking about what i will use as bunkers i'm thinking about trying to find about 50 plastic 55 gallon drums and finding a way to stack them or something likt that anyone done this got any ideas i dont have money for a sup airball field or anything so i'l just looking for some ideas on what i could use for cheap but good working bunkers
  15. i dident have any holes thank god they sewed mine shut
  16. yeah they did or something cloce to that i love that show lol
  17. just get good at speed shifting and hope you get some traction and you should have it
  18. i had 2 of mine cut out when i was 12 and 9 other teeth pulled at the same time cuz i need to get them out before i got braces or some shit but it wasent to bad
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