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Posts posted by Basicorpse

  1. How do you like your barnett clutch? My buddy told me that I should be able to put more power to the wheels now due to the clutch slipping less. I'll probaly end up doing half stock springs and half of the barnett springs. I dont really have enough mods to justify having an insanely stiff clutch.

  2. I have a problem with my 01 banshee. When I first got it, it was leaking from the shifter seal so I replaced it and everything was fine. Now today about 6 months later it started leaking from the shifter seal again. So today I went and replaced the seal thinking that was the problem. Unfortunately it still leaks from the shifter seal. What could be wrong? I noticed the leak yesterday after a long day of hard riding. I am using belrays gearsaver transmission fluid.

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