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Everything posted by sycoracer911

  1. i know but im asking about the rear shock mainly.... also i would like it higher cuz i ride trails so i wanted the frame up more.... oh well ill ride with ablown one for now cuz i cant aford to rebuild it
  2. alright my rear shock is blown on the banshee and i cant afford an aftermarket.... well i was looking at raptor shocks.... will they fit all around? will it make the rear higher? is there any other shocks that will fit the banshee besides yfz..... i kinda want the seat hight and everything on the banshee a little taller.... so i know yfz front shocks lift the front.... now how about the rear?
  3. ok i see a green one that was cut and tapped off.... if i get a light from wally worl and hook the poitive up to the green and then ground the black wire..... will that work if i put it on low beam
  4. ok i recently pulled the banshee fully apart and apon doing so i have noticed that i can not find any light plugs well anyway does anyone know how i would wire light plugs into the wiring harness..... does anyone have a diagram of a wiring harness with each wire labled? please help me i neeeeed lights
  5. alright i been meaning to pick up a clymers but i havent got the chance yet... but anyway... what are the tourque specks on the head bolts? also what is the tourque specks on teh reed cage bolts? thank you
  6. the town 10 mins from me is at 1559 feet elevation... so i guess thats mine.... so you say 300 main.... ok
  7. well i just bought some paul turners from trex banshee.... well im not sure of my elevation but i do live in northeasten pa... idk if that helps.... anyway... im running a kandn filter.. im prolly going ot be taking the lid off... and now im going to be running paul turner pipes (high revs) and fat boy silencers... anyone have any sugestions on jetting?
  8. do they have a web site.... what about F.A.S.T.
  9. alright im going to be looking to port my banshee for mx and trails... what builder would you say does the best... i have herd craig makes a nice trail port from cpcustoms... anyway let me know
  10. it gets hot just i dont think its over heating... just looking for a way to keep it cooler
  11. lol i dont have any plugs with 3 wires except that one in the pic.... hum
  12. my friend tried it in his dirt bike and said it worked really good... let it idle for 5 mins and the cyl was still cool to touch..... anyone else use this? im thinking baout getting it for the shee
  13. let me know if ya got any
  14. sycoracer911

    a arms

    well boys i need some a arms.... +2,+1 pr +3,+1... only have around 200 bucks
  15. i would like to get a full set of pipes and silencers... but ill keep you in mind
  16. i do a lot of diff riding... i actually ride a lot of old back roads.... my buddy has a fiew big fields by him and we ride at a track by us... homeaid..... i do ride some trails.... but i mainly ride the back roads and fields
  17. i think its the 2 plugs on the right? it's the only set of plugs i have multiple of.
  18. alright i been looking at the wiring harness on my banshee trying to find out what plugs are my lights? i took 2 pics of the plugs i think they are.... let me know if it is..... i think the wiring harness is either a 89 or 91 im not sure.... please help me... i really need lights
  19. ok im thinking about modding my banshee.... its a stocker... well anyway i ride everything but dunes.... i tide trails, fields, roads, tracks, everything...i hill climb, flat land stunting, drag race, ..... well.... im looking for a good set of ppes... i have really been liking the sheerer's but i was told that they wount be good for the track or trails..... whitch bring me to my next pipe... the dmc's.... how do these work? anyone got them? does it offer a great low end increase and give a big high end punch... well let me know about these pipes... weather you have something good to say or somethign bad to say.... post it... if you sugest something else.... post it! thank you
  20. how much for the T-5's...... very interested!!!!!!
  21. i have one too... im looking to get a diff style.... thanks for the offer tho... and those bars... they are a little to expensive for my taist... i can get some longhorn fat bars, and bar clamp for 80 bucks brand new.... thanks for the offer anyway and for those wheel spacers.... im looking for front wheel spacers.... i already have an axle and offset rims for the rear.... thanks for the offer tho
  22. alright i get a few extra dallors and im looking for a set of pipes under 200, a new bumper... prefurably ac, moddified head, front wheel spacers, reeds, reed valves, grab bar prefurably a wide grab bar, tail light, light switch. let me know what ya got
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