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deli sandwich

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Everything posted by deli sandwich

  1. split the cases for $225, i should open a shop . If i was paid everytime I split my cases i'd have alot of money. You'd save money buying the tools and a manual and doing it yourself, its not as hard as it looks.
  2. i switched from dual k&N clamp ons to a single pro design two stage filter. I bought new manifolds to fit from the 35mm carbs to the airbox but completly cut away the airbox leaving just the proflo flange. i had to grind off the top corner air box screws to get it to fit between my pipes and epoxy it to make sure there was no holes. Its ghetto but it works
  3. Nice, im workin on one in our 10 acre field. Make sure the logs are tight under the jumps, you don't want to be going off it and have the logs shift around! When you make jumps or even burms, pack them down real good I drive on it with an electric golf cart(batteries are freakin heavy!) or tractor with smooth tires then wait till it rains or spray it with a hose for a while, then pack it down again let it dry out completely and you have a jump/burm thats practically concrete (will hold those logs in good), it will last a long time.
  4. i don't find that an engine with 5 valves is more complicated then an engine with 4 valves but thats just my 2 cents
  5. That engine puts out 48hp stock in the YZF450 dirtbike, so i think it would beat a banshee that was STOCK.
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