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Drag racing Vs. dezert racing

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WOW. Man you have to just laugh. I ride in Glamis but I've never "dezert" raced b4. I mean I've gone really fast through the desert. um? I've even drag raced in the dezert while dezert racing. Yea im a pretty fuckin crazy dude.

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2 me dezert racing or long trail riding is better cuz in drag racing it only last a couple of seconds n u just go straight n dezert ur out for couple of hours n show people that u know how to really ride. know how to use the suspension n really bet the hell out of the quad. i use to drag race n it wasn't that great, i would always be up front ther was times i was second. n dezert ur out there alone testing ur skills. does anybody know what i mean.

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2 me dezert racing or long trail riding is better cuz in drag racing it only last a couple of seconds n u just go straight n dezert ur out for couple of hours n show people that u know how to really ride. know how to use the suspension n really bet the hell out of the quad. i use to drag race n it wasn't that great, i would always be up front ther was times i was second. n dezert ur out there alone testing ur skills. does anybody know what i mean.


Now in english


To me desert racing or long trail riding is better because in drag racing it only lasts a couple of seconds and you just go straight. In desert racing you are out for a couple of hours and [you] show people that you know how to really ride, know how to use the suspension you really beat the hell out of the quad. I used to drag race and it wasn't that great, I would always be up front, there was times I was in second. In desert [racing] you are out there alone testing your skills. Does anyone know what I mean?


and now my response now that I understand what was asked.

No I don't race per-se (sp?) but i have gone on long fast rides throught the desert out side of the dunes at armagosa and Apex here in vegas, yes it is fun, stock suspension sucks, and one false move hurts, as far as aking what is better its just what you are into.

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That's like asking if you like blondes or brunettes...


Desert racing is nothing in comparison to drag racing. Its cool getting a few friends and ripping through the desert for miles and miles.


I can say there is nothing like the adrenaline rush of racing up the hill. I don't have a really fast bike but still fun to line it up. I desert ride and drag at Glamis for fun.

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