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self polished side case

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has anyone ever sanded/wire wheeled down the side cover for the clutch then takin a polishing wheel and polishing compound and polished their own aluminum sidecase? i have a extra side cover that i plan on doing this to. is this a good idea. or do you think im wasting my time?

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i would sand blast it but the sandblaster is in the barn in arkansas and i live in vegas and dont want to buy a new one and silica sand or coal slag , also to messy


well dont try a wire brush because you will be pissed trying to sand out all the scratches it left everywhere. try to locate some heavy duty paint stripper.

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yeah the cover that i have is from a 87 and i can scrape it off with my fingernail, hmmm, i also have the cover on it thats 99 what one should i try, do, and i we have all kinds of strippers and stuff like aircraft stipper, ive also heard that some good ole brake fluid will do the trick also?

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yeah the cover that i have is from a 87 and i can scrape it off with my fingernail, hmmm, i also have the cover on it thats 99 what one should i try, do, and i we have all kinds of strippers and stuff like aircraft stipper, ive also heard that some good ole brake fluid will do the trick also?


the aircraft stripper should do the trick

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yeah there is really no hurry for me to get it done. i just have to juggle it in somewhere between school, homework, planning to go riding at armagosa valley and other things . but i'll try the air craft stripper. and then go from there, the 99 case already has it where the guy took it down around the outside wehre it says yamaha and looks good but dont have a clue how he did it. the 87 case just like scratches off it all goes well i might just do both of them and put the other one on my 97, yeesh so far 97, and then a extra 87 motor and the 87 frame has a 99 motor and wire harness gah

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has anyone ever sanded/wire wheeled down the side cover for the clutch then takin a polishing wheel and polishing compound and polished their own aluminum sidecase? i have a extra side cover that i plan on doing this to. is this a good idea. or do you think im wasting my time?


Its not too tough. Get the paint off, get the right wheel and compound and it goes pretty quick.

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has anyone ever sanded/wire wheeled down the side cover for the clutch then takin a polishing wheel and polishing compound and polished their own aluminum sidecase? i have a extra side cover that i plan on doing this to. is this a good idea. or do you think im wasting my time?


You caould have it CHROMED. I have one I'm dropping off tomorrow. here is a pic of a honda stator cover that i did



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