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iS this a good deal for a 2003 banshee?


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whats up everyone,

found a banshee for sale for my brother wanted to see what you all thought. now im from the east coast, boston ma. to be exact and banshees are alot cheaper out here than the west coast so keep this in mind.

2003 yamaha banshee, owner says theres approx 60 hrs of use on it. always kept in garage, comes with fmf fatties and the bike was jetted by a yamaha dealer. everything else is stock. he only has a copy of the certificate of origin. he doesnt have the actual one, will this pose a problem.

he said he will sell it for $2400

looks real clean have not started it yet im going to do this tomorrow when i go look at it.

any help is appreciated.


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Sounds like a fair deal. If you keep your eyes open you should be able to do better, but it all depends on how long/hard you want to look, and how far you want to drive. Just to give you an idea, I paid 1150 for the 02 in my sig. It was a little different then, but was in awesome shape.


With the certificate of original take a look at your DMV web site and see what you need to register the bike. Here in NJ all you need is a notarized hand signed receipt with the VIN #, price paid, seller, buyer, etc. I have one I made up if you want to PM me your e-mail I can send it to you. Mainly you want to have a somebody run the VIN to make sure its not stolen before you buy it, after that it usually isn't a big deal.


Good luck, and keep us posted with some pics if you do pick it up! :beer:

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here are some pics, just noticed im going to have to buy some pipe clamps




I think your getting a pretty damn good deal if it can be registered.

i paid 3k for my 01 a year and a half ago..but it also had some goodies on it too.





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