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Octane Boost ?


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this has already been disgused and it came out that octane booster dosnt even boost 1 whole octane to 20letres of gas its boosts 9 points and it takes 10 points to equal i octane i think

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this has already been disgused and it came out that octane booster dosnt even boost 1 whole octane to 20letres of gas its boosts 9 points and it takes 10 points to equal i octane i think



That is correct. Octane boosters are a gimmick and should not be confused with high octane race fuels. 10 Octane "points" = 1 octane "number" Most of your boosters will boost 5-9 octane points and that will do little or no good for most applications. It was brought in to help skate by with the older engines that required leaded fuels and keep them from knocking.


If you want to save money, look into fuel tuning. Benzine is a common booster and the main ingredient in boosters. Buy it by the gallon and blend your own. "research" the subject before attempting. This is not like mixing your weed eater gas. It should be done right and not fudged.


Why not drop the compression and add 5% Nitro??? That should save you some money at the pump.




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there are true leaded octane boosters and they are pretty much powered by TETRAETHYL LEAD.


Here's one we've tried, tested and have had perfect results with.




I wouldn't say it's much, if any, cheaper to use than straight race fuels, but if your in a situation where you can't buy race fuels and need to "perk" up some pump fuel, here's what you can use. You can also use stuff from the paint section, I can't remember if it's paint thinner or what exactly but there's a cleaner or something that's like 99% TETRAETHYL LEAD and will work as an additive as well.


This TEL is what's used to raise the octane in AV gas and was used extensively in the past as a standard in gasoline to control octane but when catalytic converters were introduced, it was found that TEL is harmful to them and the additive was switched to MTBE to create unleaded fuel, which you now see on the little stickers at the gas station, and MTBE is slowly being phased out and Ethanol brought in.

Edited by sredish
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