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foot pegs ripped out of frame

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I had the inside nut on my left rear peg come loose and fall inside the frame. I drilled out both rear holes and used all-thread also. Works great!


My left front bolt snapped in the frame and I had to drill it out and retap it with a bigger bolt.



I just rode this weekend with the front bolt on the right side hanging out and resting on my nerf bar. Looks like I have to tap that ass too.

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It sucked because my chain tensioner needs to be tightened down by the rear footpeg bolt, too...


Where did you get your tensioner from?


I only know of the RDZ ones being commercially available and I refuse to give them any money and I am too lazy to make one myself. :geek:

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many frames on the bikes i part out are like this, that is why you see me sell them ones for 100 and shipping. the birdshit welds on them inserts crack, rust, then sometimes spin right out when i hit them with an impact gun. just another weak link on the frame.



thats exactly what happened with that square nut inside the frame the welds broke and the nut ripped right through the frame it's pretty nasty looking. i took pics i need to post them. also today it is being welded i will post the final repair of the foot peg when it's done. it sucks because it will ruin my powdercoating around that part. oh well mabe i will do another frame in the winter. i replaced this frame this past winter. bad luck i guess

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Where did you get your tensioner from?


I only know of the RDZ ones being commercially available and I refuse to give them any money and I am too lazy to make one myself. :geek:



That's what I used to think too...and I wrote Rob @ RDZ a PM about 2 months ago asking about a tensioner...go figure, he never wrote back (on planet sand, by the way...)


badassbanshee479 pointed me to these guys...and it works just fine:



They've been around forever...click on the chain tensioner link on the left side...

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forgot to take the before pics i guess i could have sworn i took them. so i dropped it off today picked it up to day. the bolt is inside a sleeve that is welded to the frame. and a nut on the end of it to hold the peg on. it is so much stronger has grade A bolts, i am really impressed, thanks to badasskfx


now i will be painting the part thats welded, very happy that theres not a lot of powdercoating damage







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That's what I used to think too...and I wrote Rob @ RDZ a PM about 2 months ago asking about a tensioner...go figure, he never wrote back (on planet sand, by the way...)


badassbanshee479 pointed me to these guys...and it works just fine:



They've been around forever...click on the chain tensioner link on the left side...


Ahh yes, James Lucky ATV. I have ordered many a thing from them. I should have known they sold the chain tensioners.


...............and for the person who asked why I refuse to deal with RDZ: Rob is a tool. He lies, makes stuff up and tries to pass it off as fact based on his own fabricated reputation, and he is generally unreliable at best. He also has the maturity or a 12 year old. :ohmy:

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...............and for the person who asked why I refuse to deal with RDZ: Rob is a tool. He lies, makes stuff up and tries to pass it off as fact based on his own fabricated reputation, and he is generally unreliable at best. He also has the maturity or a 12 year old. :ohmy:


I'll try and get you a pic of their tensioner on my bike...Mark. It's nice...


I've never personally dealt with Rob. Some very close to me have...and they will never do it again.


Without getting into too many details, buddy of mine built a complete turn key bike. Cub motor...the works.

The guy that bought it fried a clutch...that's it.

Took it to RDZ...and Rob told him he needed new carbs, the pistons were used (total BS), needed a whole bunch of other stuff, when really he just needed a clutch...


Total BS job....ripped this guy off for quite a large tab, no Vaseline included.


That's why I don't like or trust him Travis. It's too bad, too... He does make some very nice pipes for the cub and other drag motors...


But his stuff overall is over priced...

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i had this happen on one of my old shees.i got a piece of threaded rod that was the same tread and ran it all the way through both sides and secured it with lock washers and lock nuts and it was good to go.ran it that way for about 2 years with no problems.ghetto and cheap but it worked great.

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