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I will voice my opinion on this issue now..


There is a couple reasons this refund has not been issued. None of them have to do with any "bullshit"


First, I have talked with him mabye 3 times now.


I have made it clear that I do require some sort of transaction # or some shred of any type of reciept.


I have also spent 4-5 hours combing my records/ Paypal/ ship logs, labels printed, etc with absolutly no results turning up for the last name or zip code.


First it was a year (now why I have never recieved any form of comunication during that time, I don't know..)


Then 16 months..

Now 18 months..


I have never stated that I will not refund, I have simply exausted my records with no proof. I also had a relative search the same records with the same results.


Per our last conversation, I stated that some sort of documentation needs to be produced. Put yourself in my shoes for a minute and run this senario..


There are alot of members here who have dealt with me, and I am sure they would state that I am not stealing or running anything shady.


The only thing I have asked for is some shred of proof. I cannot just start handing out hundreds of dollars with absolutly no record of a sale from almost 2 years ago...


I have been very curtious and polite on the phone and have spent hours trying to resolve this. I have asked him to contact PP and have them go back further, or contact the bank or CC for his records.




I am not calling him a liar, or dishonest, but as a buisness, I have to have some sort of securety measures in place, and this senario is throwing red flags everywhere..


Please locate some form of documentation and call me.


Thanks, Scott


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I just went into paypal, and I looked as far back as Jan. 1, 2004. So...they keep records, you just have to input the date range. I don't know where anyone is getting this 1 year of history bit.


So...that being said...


Neither the buyer or seller has any excuse for not being able to go back far enough to research transactions.

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I just went into paypal, and I looked as far back as Jan. 1, 2004. So...they keep records, you just have to input the date range. I don't know where anyone is getting this 1 year of history bit.


So...that being said...


Neither the buyer or seller has any excuse for not being able to go back far enough to research transactions.



Thank you for the imformation.


5150, please scroll back to the correct date range and provide me with a transaction number as I cannot locate your payment anywhere.


I have been given 12, 16, and 18 months, of witch my searches revealed nothing..


Thanks, Scott


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