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Wow,where does time go?


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So as I'm doing the divorce thing I've been hanging out on the computer a bunch lately...


Been thinking about my youth and life in general. Then it hits me... Damn these jeans are tight.. Had to undo the button to let me gut be comfortable.


Is it the beer? age?? or did I shrink the jeans in the drier since I've never really done laundry?


Looking through the personals, these girls are looking for 20-25yrs old.... Damn, I'm turning 31


WTF, who has the magical time machine? and how much do you want for it? I'd like to go back to 18yrs old or 1990... where did it all go??, I still remember screwing high school sluts and spring breaks to Myrtle beach with the fake ID's


I feel like I'm in for a rude awakening, this sucks.

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So as I'm doing the divorce thing I've been hanging out on the computer a bunch lately...


Been thinking about my youth and life in general. Then it hits me... Damn these jeans are tight.. Had to undo the button to let me gut be comfortable.


Is it the beer? age?? or did I shrink the jeans in the drier since I've never really done laundry?


Looking through the personals, these girls are looking for 20-25yrs old.... Damn, I'm turning 31


WTF, who has the magical time machine? and how much do you want for it? I'd like to go back to 18yrs old or 1990... where did it all go??, I still remember screwing high school sluts and spring breaks to Myrtle beach with the fake ID's


I feel like I'm in for a rude awakening, this sucks.



Sorry to hear that man. But I definately would be blaming the dryer for your pants. I think people who are old like you and need company get like a little yappy dog or something like that. j/k man, sorry. Cant really help ya much, i'm only 21, but the best advice I can give ya, is get off your ass, quit lookin at personals online, and go out and get personal. Go check out the 16 year old skanks at the mall. Always helped me when I was down. :)


Stay strong buddy. You aren't quite THAAAAT old. heh. Maybe mod your shee to go a little faster.. I hear that makes aging go backwards

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You dont want to date any of those younger women anyway. You just want to bang em right?

You would be better off dating some chick closer to your age, any younger and they get crazier. :shoothead: The young women dont know what the F they want, :shrug: and they like those mind games. :shoothead: You need a chick that has her shit together, and a good job to support herself. :thanks:

But what ever you do, do not get married again. :sick: If you decide to get married again, ask yourself the question (what is the benefit of getting married, whats in it for me? :shrug: ). Because you know you wont get any more pussy after you get married.


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Don't sweat it man...lol It's just a matter of a few more years and life will begin to take this MAGICAL bend...just chock full of distasteful little surprises... You begin to get "geriatric" mail... mysteiously, the acronym gang gets your e-mail address and before you know it you're on a first name basis with some bunch called ARPA :blink: It's alittle scarey 'cause EVERYONE seems to be in on it...lol! Even your Dr...who's always been a decent sort, will suddenly take a uncomfortable amount of interest in your diet, blood pressure...and last but not least, your prostate... (..and off in the distance a dawg begins to howl..)

But all is not lost pilgrim...with age comes wisdom or so they say (mine must be coming "ground" 'cause it ain't here yet...blink, blink) Older guys got more money on account of they've had more time to pay things off. We try harder and we sorta hafta if you know what I mean.. All those long legged, bronze skinned beauties you're likely to run into on your way to the pharmacy, well they're just as tantalizing at 50 as they were at 15! Ya gotta watch it alittle here though 'cause if they call ya "sir" or worse yet "mister", the whole gig sorta just goes up in smoke. Furthermore, if some older gal notices you gettin alittle perkier around the young stuff, they'll slap a label on you as if things aren't already complicated enough...lol.

So enjoy them 30's, they are really good years you'll come to find. I'm kinda finding that the 50's aren't so bad really....but you kinda gotta squint yer eyes juuusssstttt so... :thumbsup:



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30 or 31 didn`t bother me. 35 bothered me.now that was almost 5 years ago.40 is only 6 short months away.the number 40 ain`t so bad, but in 10 years i will be 50.fuck me. my father says it best. LIFE IS LIKE A ROLL OF TOILET PAPER, THE CLOSER YOU GET TO THE END, THE FASTER IT GOES. being old ain`t so bad, the toys keep getting better.one thing i do know well is, you get old too fast and smart too late.

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Well i'm going on 26 in a few days,Just today i was thinking about how damn fast time goes the older you get.To me the most important thing is not getting in a rut,change senery,move around,have hobbies,go to the gym stay in shape,etc.Also if you got $ you can always bang the younger chicks.I mean considering your going through a divorce I'm sure love and all the BS is the last thing your looking for.Think about yourself for once,considering you've been married you probably haven't did that in a while and have fun.Also another thing is there is some hot 30-35 yrs out there.NTM younger women in there 20's like the security a older man provides.When you really think about it.Women after there early twenty's are looking for security more than love.

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Man guys, thanks... I feel a bit better now.


This crap is really messing with my mellon.


You should see some of the pigs that have profiles online...


I need a 35 yr old established proffesional career woman during the day, and a 19yr old whore from 10pm-6am


Corkforbrains, your post made my day, I have always been envious of people who can assemble inividual words into funny great posts like yourself.


I really should not be complaining, I've have a great family and have been places/done things some people can only dream about.


Times/posts like this make me realize that it's alot easier to bitch and moan, rather than pick up the pieces and make it work...


Happy thanksgiving everyone!!!

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Man guys, thanks... I feel a bit better now.


You should see some of the pigs that have profiles online...


I need a 35 yr old established proffesional career woman during the day, and a 19yr old whore from 10pm-6am


Happy thanksgiving everyone!!!



Happy Thanksgiving right back atcha Bubba!


p.s. What if that 35 yr old established professional career woman during the day IS a 19yr old whore from 10pm-6am? Wouldn't it just be kinda ironic if she was a cabbie named "Ray" just a few years before that?? I guess ya gotta ask yerself if you are happy....(insert your own before/after somewhere appropriate lol)



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So as I'm doing the divorce thing I've been hanging out on the computer a bunch lately...


Been thinking about my youth and life in general. Then it hits me... Damn these jeans are tight.. Had to undo the button to let me gut be comfortable.


Is it the beer? age?? or did I shrink the jeans in the drier since I've never really done laundry?


Looking through the personals, these girls are looking for 20-25yrs old.... Damn, I'm turning 31


WTF, who has the magical time machine? and how much do you want for it? I'd like to go back to 18yrs old or 1990... where did it all go??, I still remember screwing high school sluts and spring breaks to Myrtle beach with the fake ID's


I feel like I'm in for a rude awakening, this sucks.

I'm almost divorced, almost 32, and I can walk into a place and walk out with as many numbers as I want.


The key is confidence and knowing how to read a womans body language.


That and I've been body building for the last 12 years.

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Geez, I dunno know about the gettin wiser stuff. I'm, ahem, 41 :blink: and I forget almost immediatley EVERYONES name that I meet. My kids sometimes have to show me how to do shit on the computer, I used to be pretty good at technical shit and now they beat my ass so bad at video games I dont even bother. But the gettin better toys shit, I got that down. I just picked up another, a 29 foot motor home, with you guessed it, a trailer hitch to tow the Banshees around. Next up is a Cheetah Cub and hopefully in a year or so a Buick Grand National. Oh and the wife just kinda leaves me be, been with that poor women for 21 years, shes goin straight to heaven after dealing with my stupid ass. As far as you being in your early thirties, man thats the best time. From about 26 or so up to where I am at now is outstanding. It just gets better.

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