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What should I do while it's open?


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I need to open my cases to change my output axle (the guy who had the bike before welded the sprocket on it banghead ) and I was wondering if there was something I should replace while it is open. I was thinking about my rings but is there something else(bearings, seals...)?

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I wish :notworthy:


I don't have a clymers but I have Yamahas banshee manual, I'l check and make sure they're up to spec for sure


Have your crank trued and welded.

Is it really worth it?I mean what is the advantage? and how much does it cost?



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I agree with getting your crank trued and welded, I just did the same since I had my engine torn down.... I'd also recommend having your crank bearings replaced before they weld it, it saves you any chance of having problems down the road.


I think it was $75 for welding and trueing, and $70 for bearings... once its done, rev er to the moon (just kidding).

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There's not alot to do in the bottom half,besides the crank.At least inspect the crank!!!bearings and clearnces.So far i've been running a new yamaha crank on a modded motor, it's 6 years old. all I did one year was replace one of the bearings.never had it trued and welded,But the next time it's torn down to re-ring I'm doing somethingwith the crank!!


Check the tranny out.Some say if ya speed shift or don't use the clutch alot, you can wear out the dogs on the gears.I had to replace a couple of gears before.

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