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Boyesen Flex - Grip

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OK, I realize a lot of people do not really know what a flex - grip is. It's basically a suspension system for your non throtle side hand grip (and on the case of thumb throtle both sides)


here is how it works.... There is a tube just like a twist throtle tube, and then a metal casing on the end. The metal casing has 2 bushings in it. One for the forward direction and one for the rear direction. So basically it doesn't move easy like a throtle tube, but more like a grip with a built in shock. It also comes with 3 different hardness of bushings and you can mix and match for 9 different settings.


Here is my review.... At first I was obviously skeptical and I thaught it was jsut going to be a shitty product that was gouing to end up in the trash. I put it on the bike (2003 RM250) and sat there in the garage twisting it. It was a lot more firm than I had expected. I'd really have to put some power into it for it to twist. At the time I had the firm busings in just because I was skeptical of having a moving grip. I went for a ride later that day and in no time flat I completely forgot it was on there. I still had my typical tired left arm pump as I was riding so I thaught the product was a gimmic. I realized later on that night it really worked. Usually when I stop riding my left wrist hurts me really really bad because I have bad tendon problems. I figured I would try riding again the next day but go to the soft bushings. Well them cured the arm pump (it was dead on even with my right arm which it had never been before....I even used to work out just my left arm so it could catch up) but I didn't like the way it felt. For me it was moving jsut a little too much. I am sure if I rode it long enough I would have got used to it, but I like things to feel natural, not get used to them. So two days later I went out with the medium sets. Arm pump was the same as the soft set, but I had more control and a better feel. Now I was starting to get impressed. I did notice on the whoops it had a tendency to over rotate forward (for my liking) and I figured "hey, I will swap in a hard one in the front and keep the medium in the rear and see how that goes!" .... Next ride, sure enough I was hooked. I am not sure I will ever have a bike or quad short of a drag specific ride that will NOT have the Flex-Grip. I give it a big 2 thumbs up!!!!







anyone else here o n the HQ use one of these? What do you think? What bushings are you comfortable with? If anyopne has any questions about these let me know. I also have some pics of them on the bike if anyone wants to host them.

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I have one, I put it on my predator before the gold rush race (cross country) and I really liked it. Like you I got arm put in my left hand and the flex grip made it go away. I have mine on the medium flex. I havent had a chance to race my banshee with it yet but I'm sure that I will like having it.

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