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RZ/RD350 Crank

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I've got so many possibilities on this rebuild of mine and one of them is a complete bottom end from an RD(RZ)350 with a 'good crank'. Is this crank an option?


I've spent hours going through threads today about stroker and longrod cranks. ... I only shipped the damaged barrel and good one out yesterday to my builder and by the time I phoned this morning to see if it had arrived, he'd already done the boreing. ... I was surprised, but he said he had to do that to find out if it was going to be ok. ... It will be and he's taken it out from 0.010" to 0.040". He also said the head will clean up fine.


He now wants my crank so that he can replace the bent rod and bearings, check the crank, true and weld it. (I thought i could take the crank apart and fit a new rod and bearings here. ... shows how much I know!) ... So after I came off the phone, I thought that by the time I've paid for all this labour on the crank and parts, I'd be aswell buying a new crank. And while I'm at it, get a stroker/ longrod.


I've read so much today that I'm confused. ... These cylinders of mine have allready had a serious MX Race Port job. If I go for the 4mm stroker, 5mm longrod then I need 795 wisecos and either fit a base plate or cut the head by 2mm. Is that right? ... My head has allready been skimmed (previously) and now, if its been cleaned up, will I have run out of space to cut the head?


Also, I'm going to have to get him to alter the ports. (Do I have to?). Can he do this without having to re-bore again afterwards? Is it only the transfer ports that need changed, and is it raised, lowered, or both? Inlet and exhaust - anything needed here?


Sorry about the long post, but I have to make my mind up tomorrow. Which is why I wonder if I can just throw in the RZ crank and be done with it! :wacko:



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RZ crank will drop right in, would be a good idea to get it welded though


If you go with a stroker you will have to get it re-ported and either run a spacer or get the head cut 2mm (for a 4mm crank)


A long rod/stock stroke with 795 pistons will drop right in too

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