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Cell phones...

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I have a family plan for my cell phones, I have 1 phone, and my wife has 1 phone. Well, I looked at my bill today, and it shows how many phone calls each has made and where to.

Well, for the whole month, I made 5 calls. My wife made 124 calls! So for every phone call I made, she made 24.8!! She still stays under her minutes so it doesnt cost anything. Well, thats the difference between boys and girls I guess. Just thought I'd share the funny.

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men say on average 1500 words per day. women say on average 5000 words per day. thats not opinion thats fact. learned that in my organizational behavior class.



Out of those 5000 words they say,how many of them are listened to??


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i have a family plan too, with my wife, father, and mother-in- law on it. it was my idea, and i pushed and talked them into it. but now my statements all show me as having the least amount of calls. not only that, but by far the least amount of time used. :blink: and 90% of my time is to my wife or dad. :D my wife and mother- in- law average at least double what my dad or i do every month. gee, i'm glad i broke down and got myself a cell phone!! :confused::P also we have 900 minutes on our plan and rarely use 1/4 of that since most of our calls are between each other! :lol:

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Guest nightmare

I got a cell phone before I got married., but when I got married 6 years ago I let my wife borrow it once. I sometimes wonder what happened to it. I still pay the bill every month and she still calls me on it every now and then, but I haven't seen it in 6 years. Funny how that works.

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men say on average 1500 words per day. women say on average 5000 words per day. thats not opinion thats fact. learned that in my organizational behavior class.


I can soooo believe that!

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You know when you've been married at least 5 years when your wife asks you questions, you give answers on autopilot, have no recolection of ever having heard the question or saying the answer only 5 minutes ago, but she has proof that you did! :shootself:

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You know when you've been married at least 5 years when your wife asks you questions, you give answers on autopilot, have no recolection of ever having heard the question or saying the answer only 5 minutes ago, but she has proof that you did!  :shootself:



Your so right,I can answer 90% of my wifes questions with out even listing to her.The only time I f*ck up is when she doesn't ask a question,but I answer one. :confused:

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